RJon Robins

It’s not your imagination. There really are forces at work against your success. . .

“Far better it is to
dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure,
than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because
they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”


Roosevelt (1858 – 1919)

President of the United States

Normally I tend to try & keep my distance from the crowd of lawyers and so-called “gurus” who feel compelled to make excuses for their unwillingness to do what is necessary or tell you in plain simple terms what is necessary to generate a lot of business for a law firm.

Actually, in the case of the lawyers I may forgive them because in-truth, there are a lot of forces at work to try and keep that information hidden from you (us). Not least of which are the so-called “gurus” who profit (at least in the short-term) by keeping you in the dark and the news media in general. But more about that later.

Just this week I was on the line with my latest Gold Coaching & Mastermind Group and in the space of under two hours we uncovered hundreds of thousands of dollars of new business opportunities for our Members. And it wasn’t by using some new and complicated technology. Or by revealing some complex mystical “secret.” Instead we simply employed some good old-fashioned THINKING & CREATIVITY to solve the problem.

Yes, we dared a mighty thing. . .we dared to think!

So about the forces at work to prevent you from winning your glorious triumphs. . . let’s just take a quick and admittedly incomplete inventory as I don’t have time at the moment to make a more complete inventory for you. So howabout I just get you started and leave you to think some more on it:

First Of All The Law Schools – I don’t know about you but despite something like 4,000 hours of education, my law school curriculum did not address anything about how to manage a small law firm, how to market a small law firm, how to manage a lawyer’s trust account, client billing strategies, law practice management skills & techniques, etc. etc. So is it any wonder then that in the face of alumni who aren’t exactly enjoying a huge ROI on the cost of tuition, the law school industry is happy to let the general economy take the blame?

FACT: 5% of the lawyers you graduated with, who also learned bubkis in law school about how to manage a law practice and how to market a law firm are making ALOT more money and having ALOT more fun than the other 95%.

Secondly State Bar & Local Bar Association’s – Until very recently you hardly ever saw a CLE program about law practice management or law firm marketing. Of course now they’re all jumping on the band’s wagon.

But where were they ten years ago? Why weren’t they teaching this stuff back when times were better so as to insulate and protect their Members for a rainy day? Could it be your State Bar or local Bar Association leaders were unaware that there is such a thing as an “ecomonic cycle”? Were they too busy making speculative real estate investments of their own to look-up and try and adjust course for the educational curricula so as to help protect their Members?

Their current efforts are a little like telling you to put on your seatbelt after they have crashed the car you’re riding in. FACT: 60% of the Members of your State Bar are solos or practicing in small law firms with five or fewer lawyers and what happens to small law firms during cyclical economic downturns is as preventable as it is predictable. So much so that lawyers who are prepared and know how to take advantage are doing GREAT. And it’s not too late for you too!

Thirdly, The News – I used to be a “newshound”. I used to have subscriptions to multiple papers including the Wall Street Journal, Daily Business Review, my local newspaper and usually I’d at least skim a couple of industry rags too. But then a funny thing started to happen. I stared to get busy making money. And the busier I got, and the more money I made the less time I had to consume the news.

You know what?

Not only did the consumption of less “news” NOT adversely affect my income, it positively affected my general sense of well-being and allowed me to be more objective, I think, about what gets reported that is truly news-worthy vs. all the sky is falling bullshit the media thinks they have to keep feeding us to keep us addicted.

It used to be I felt more “responsible” when I’d read the newspaper. Sort of like you used to feel when you were a kid sitting at the kitchen table doing your homework. But not anymore.

Nowadays the “news” is really just one step above watching “The Real World” or “Survivor” or some other moronic show like that featuring pseudo-celebrities in entirely artificial situations designed to elicit a reaction, any reaction and if they happen to share some useful information that is releveant to my life well then that would be nice too. So I count the news media in general amongst the forces who apparently have a vested interest in keeping you in a negative mindset instead of motivating you to get out there and do what is neccessary to build your business.

FACT: News media get paid for selling newspapers, or more precisely, ad-space in newspapers (and online). They don’t give a rat’s ass about how much money you’re making!

OK, gotta get on a scheduled call with a Platinum Member right now. Will continue this rant later. . .

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The most DANGEROUS place for a rainmaker to be

An excerpt from an email from a Gold Coaching & Mastermind Group Member. . .

[Regarding where he’s been doing his networking & making presentations]

“I figured a lot of people might be interested in hearing this information, including fraternities and sororities, employers (to their employees), chambers of commerce, rotary clubs, and anywhere else people meet.”

My Response. . .

“and anywhere else people meet” – Now here’s the part of your question that REALLY worries me.  “Anywhere”.  That’s a dangerous place for a Rainmaker to be.  Because it tends to be populated by “everyone”.  And if your message is calculated to appeal to them, then it’s never going to appeal to “anyone” and certainly not the all-important “someone” who is the individual that will hire you to save their very personal reputation, relationship, job, future, etc.

If you like this sort of thing you might want to subscribe to my FREE weekly ezine


A Reminder From Abraham Lincoln. . .

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

You cannot build character and courage by taking away people’s initiative and independence.

You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.

– Abraham Lincoln
-Janyce Granoff (my Mom)

Most Lawyers Are Wrong About What It Takes To Have A Successful Law Firm

Sorry if this comes as a “surprise” to you. But it’s true. And in case you don’t know him, Dan Kennedy has “only” sold something like $50,000,000 of professional services; So you may want to take what he has to say seriously, I know I do.

Majority In Your Business Or Profession Are Wrong About Most (If Not
ALL) Of Their Beliefs About How To Be Successful In That Business Or
Profession — 95% Of Them Earn A Great Deal Less Than 5% Do.
  – Dan Kennedy

The GOOD NEWS is that “what it takes” is NOT more work. And it’s NOT harder work. Instead your small law firm will respond surprisingly well and surprisingly quickly if you will STOP doing the wrong things and start doing the right law firm marketing and law firm management things. In fact if you will just stop doing the wrong things you’ll see improvements pretty fast too!

Here’s an easy one to stop doing “wrong”. Stop spending so much time in the office. That’s right, if you want to make more money, get out of the office at a reasonable hour most nights. And get out of the office for a little “mini-vacation” to recharge your batteries at least once every other week. How to take one of these mini-vacations and the benefits of doing so are addressed and even demonstrated for you in several videos throughout this blog so I won’t elaborate here.

Twitter Success Story – Harnessing PR Leads for Your Law Firm

I’ve gotten quite a few emails & DM tweets lately about whether or not Twitter is a worthwhile marketing tool for a small law firm.  My answer is YES.  And if you follow my friend Laura Roeder’s advice it should only take you about 20 minutes a day.

So here’s a case study to demonstrate how it works. . .  We met a local artist on a local Twitter group a couple of weeks ago (@MyLifeAndArt). Then we met her for lunch. Turns out she’s an accomplished Emergency Room Doctor, turned PR executive turned Artist/Entertainer who is now in hot pursuit of her passion. And get this. . . she’s making more money, working fewer hours on her own schedule and Having More Fun!
But wait, there’s more! We thought we were just going to take a little break to meet a cool local artist. But the conversation quickly reached a whole new level with a bunch of business and referrals going back & forth.
Plus we came home with a cool little gift which you can see in the 3:45 minute video below:

Don’t forget to sign-up for my FREE Ezine. We’re about to re-launch with some really great new content and features so you won’t want to miss it!