Happy Lawyers Make More MONEY!

Lead your law firm

Chaos to 
Pain to 
Frail to 

Happy Lawyers Make More MONEY!

Lead your law firm

Frail to Scale

We are going to be in Chicago, IL on April 4-6th hosting "Discovery Day" a Law Firm Growth Workshop.

Group 29474

“More than 600 of the most successful small law firm owners in the Country have read and agree with this document; download it today to see if you do, too.”

As Seen On:

Happy Lawyers Make More MONEY!

Lead your law firm

Chaos to 
Pain to 
Frail to 

Free Business Plan Bootcamp Kicks Off March 19!

Master Your Profit Plan In Our No Risk  5-Week Business Plan Bootcamp.

Free Business Plan Bootcamp Kicks Off March 19!

Master Your Profit Plan In Our No Risk  5-Week Business Plan Bootcamp.

Group 29474

“More than 600 of the most successful small law firm owners in the Country have read and agree with this document; download it today to see if you do, too.”

Lead your law firm


Chaos to Control Pain to Profit Frail to Scale

Chaos to Control
Pain to Profit
Frail to Scale

As Seen On:

Turn the page
Ready to Create
Predictable Profit?

You are here because you are the owner of a solo or a small law firm.

You’re either inspired because you’ve already had a taste of what your law firm and your life could be and you want to go after it or you’re fed up with the long hours and the unpredictable and insufficient cash flow and you know there has to be a better way to manage the business of your law firm.

Do any of these sound familiar?
  • You think what you need is more clients.
  • When you do get new business…it’s bittersweet because your law firm doesn’t have any systems, so you end up doing all the work yourself.
  • You feel like a prisoner in your own law firm because “everyone else” seems to know where the purple unicorn ranch is to find great staff. Meanwhile, you’re struggling with yours.
  • Either your firm’s revenues aren’t enough to make it profitable or not consistent enough to give you confidence.
  • And most tragic of all…you feel like a stranger to your own family because your law firm is eating your life.
The Manifesto

Most of what you’re going to be exposed to in our community is probably going to contradict most of the “conventional wisdom” you’ve ever heard about the business of building an OUTSTANDING law firm. So it’s important that you have a proper context in which to consider the work we do here at How To Manage. Because if you follow conventional wisdom you’re only going to produce conventional results. And neither of us wants that for you!

  • The fundamental mindset shift that takes a lawyer from struggling (or merely getting-by) to thriving
  • The #1 trait of successful law firm owners (HINT: It’s not intelligence, good looks, or an IVY league education)
  • The 7 stages of law firm growth and the specific problems that you will encounter in each of these stages


Law Firm Policies & Procedures Checklist

This Exclusive Checklist Covers The 24 Key Policies You Need To Have In Place To Protect Yourself And Grow Your Business.

  • The 12 internal policies that clearly spell-out your company rules and regulations so that you can manage your team and enroll them in your vision
  • The 12 external policies that position your firm as an authority in your niche and keep you organized and on an upward trajectory
  • The key administrative procedures you can start implementing right away to systemize your day to day activities and maximize your potential for higher profits


Business Plan Building Workbook

Get The Step-By-Step Business Plan Template That’s Helped Hundreds Of Law Firm Owners Double Their Revenue

  • Understand and upgrade the 7 key components of your law firm so that your business is efficient, fulfilling, and profitable.
  • Zero in on the numbers you need to hit to align your financial goals with your personal goals.
  • Market your firm in a way that easily generates new leads and positions you as a leading expert in your market.
  • Boost your sales conversions and have a crystal-clear understanding of your numbers, how many clients you need to generate the income you want and exactly how to get them.


Whether you’re barely paying the bills or grossing $1 million plus annually, if you run a single-shareholder law firm and you are serious about growing your firm, making more money, and having fun in the process… read on.

We’ve worked with thousands of lawyers just like you and we’ve identified the common patterns and the challenges that hold them back. And we’ve seen that these obstacles evolve as the firm grows. That’s why we’ve pinpointed the seven distinct stages of law firm growth.

This way allows us to provide you with resources and solutions for the specific problems that you are stuck on. And it allows us to surround each member with a community of like-minded lawyers who are struggling with (and overcoming!) the same challenges.

Click on each stage to learn more about the unique problems law firm owners face in each stage and identify which stage your law firm is currently in.

From there, you can download a free report to see how to solve the challenge you’re currently facing and grow your firm, make more money, and have a whole lot more fun in the process!

Alternatively, you can use our 7 Stage Assessment Tool to determine which stage you’re in!

Turn the page

Ready To Create
Predictable Profit?

You are here because you are the owner of a solo or a small law firm.

And you’re either inspired because you’ve already had a taste of what your law firm and your life could be, so you want to go after it; or you’re fed-up with the long hours, the unpredictable and insufficient cash flow and you know there has to be a better way to manage the business of your law firm.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You think what you need is more clients
  • When you do get new business… it’s bittersweet because your law firm doesn’t have any systems so you end up doing all the work yourself
  • You feel like a prisoner in your own law firm because “everyone else” seems to know where the purple

unicorn ranch is to find great staff meanwhile you’re struggling with yours

  • Either your firm’s revenues aren’t enough to make it profitable, or not consistent enough to give you confidence
  • And most tragic of all… you feel like a stranger to your own family because your law firm is eating your life.

Whether you’re barely paying the bills or grossing $1 million plus annually, if you run a single-shareholder law firm and you are serious about growing your firm, making more money, and having fun in the process… read on.

We’ve worked with thousands of lawyers just like you and we’ve identified the common

patterns and the challenges that hold them back. And we’ve seen that these obstacles evolve as the firm grows. That’s why we’ve pinpointed the seven distinct stages of law firm growth.

This way allows us to provide you with resources and solutions for the specific problems that you are stuck on. And it allows us to surround each member with a community of like-minded lawyers who are struggling with (and overcoming!) the same challenges.

Click on each stage to learn more about the unique problems 

law firm owners face in each stage and identify which stage your law firm is currently in.

From there, you can download a free report to see how to solve the challenge you’re currently facing and grow your firm, make more money, and have a whole lot more fun in the process!

Alternatively, you can use our 7 Stage Assessment Tool to determine which stage you’re in!

The Manifesto

Most of what you’re going to be exposed to in our community is probably going to contradict most of the “conventional wisdom” you’ve ever heard about the business of building an OUTSTANDING law firm. So it’s important that you have a proper context in which to consider the work we do here at How To Manage. Because if you follow conventional wisdom you’re only going to produce conventional results. And neither of us wants that for you!

  • The fundamental mindset shift that takes a lawyer from struggling (or merely getting-by) to thriving
  • The #1 trait of successful law firm owners (HINT: It’s not intelligence, good looks, or an IVY league education)
  • The 7 stages of law firm growth and the specific problems that you will encounter in each of these stages


Law Firm Policies & Procedures Checklist

This Exclusive Checklist Covers The 24 Key Policies You Need To Have In Place To Protect Yourself And Grow Your Business.

  • The 12 internal policies that clearly spell-out your company rules and regulations so that you can manage your team and enroll them in your vision
  • The 12 external policies that position your firm as an authority in your niche and keep you organized and on an upward trajectory
  • The key administrative procedures you can start implementing right away to systemize your day to day activities and maximize your potential for higher profits


Business Plan Building Workbook

Get The Step-By-Step Business Plan Template That’s Helped Hundreds Of Law Firm Owners Double Their Revenue

  • Understand and upgrade the 7 key components of your law firm so that your business is efficient, fulfilling, and profitable.
  • Zero in on the numbers you need to hit to align your financial goals with your personal goals.
  • Market your firm in a way that easily generates new leads and positions you as a leading expert in your market.
  • Boost your sales conversions and have a crystal-clear understanding of your numbers, how many clients you need to generate the income you want and exactly how to get them.


Whether you’re barely paying the bills or grossing $1 million plus annually, if you run a single-shareholder law firm and you are serious about growing your firm, making more money, and having fun in the process…read on.

We’ve worked with thousands of lawyers just like, you and we’ve identified the common patterns and challenges that hold them back. We’ve seen that these obstacles evolve as the firm grows. That’s why we’ve pinpointed the seven distinct stages of law firm growth.

This way allows us to provide you with resources and solutions for the specific problems that you are stuck on. And it allows us to surround each member with a community of like-minded lawyers that are struggling with (and overcoming!) the same challenges.

Click on each stage to learn more about the unique problems law firm owners face in each stage and to identify which stage your law firm is currently in. From there, you can download a free report to see how to solve the challenge you’re currently facing and grow your firm, make more money, and have a whole lot more fun in the process!

Alternatively, you can use our 7-Stage Assessment Tool to determine which stage you’re in!


Stage 1


a Successful Law Practice

Whether you’ve just launched your law firm or you’ve been at it for a while but just can’t seem to crack the $250,000 mark, your challenge is to learn what they never taught you in law school: how to MANAGE a law firm, not just practice law.

Here’s a secret for you: The financial success of your law firm has little to do with your intelligence. And it has little to do with how good of a lawyer you are!

What matters is whether or not you understand the business of running a law firm. Until you learn how to build and manage a business, no matter how good you are at practicing law, you’re going to struggle. You’re going to work way too many hours, you’re going to make way too little money, and, chances are, you’re going to be miserable.

The good news is that we can get you up to speed—quickly!

You’ll start with a 12-week crash course in which you’ll learn the basics of managing a firm—the things you never learned in law school! Then we will assign you a Chief Executive Officer to help unpack the business plan we help to build in those 12 weeks. You will meet with your assigned Chief Executive Officer about once a month, have access to our exclusive membership website and discussion forum, and get two tickets to attend the live quarterly meeting.

You’ll learn how to sidestep common mistakes that hold many lawyers back. You’ll learn how to attract clients and cases that you actually enjoy working on. You’ll learn how to make more money and have more fun in the process. What are you waiting for?


Stage 2


To A Sustainable Business

If you’re grossing over $250K annually, you’re obviously doing some things right—so congratulations on your success!

But the challenge you’re likely facing is how to turn your law practice into a law business. Right now, your practice is heavily dependent on YOU. If you went on vacation for thirty days, your practice would grind to a halt. In this stage of our program, you’ll learn how to create a business with systems in place that will allow your firm to thrive, with or without your presence!

Upgrading your law practice into a law business allows you to work reasonable hours. It allows you the flexibility to spend time with your family. It gives you the opportunity to take vacations without worrying about what’s happening in the office. Ultimately, it allows you to make more money and have a heck of a lot more fun doing it!

This phase of our program begins with an accelerated six-week crash course. You’ll be assigned to a Chief Executive Officer as well as a Chief Operating Officer, who will help you develop critical internal and external policies as well as operating procedures. You will have access to our exclusive membership website and discussion forum, and you’ll get two tickets to attend the live quarterly meeting.

Take the next step in upgrading your firm from a law practice to a law business.


Stage 3


The 7-Figure Barrier

If you’re grossing over half a million dollars per year as a solo attorney, you’ve already identified and overcome a great deal of obstacles that trip up most of your fellow lawyers.

But now it’s time to break the seven-figure barrier.

First the good news: Despite what some of the naysayers (read losers) may think, you ABSOLUTELY can earn seven figures as a lawyer. We’ve helped plenty of our members do exactly that.

But it’s important to understand that what got you this far won’t get you past the seven-figure barrier. You’re going to face a new set of challenges. You’re going to face problems that you never anticipated.

In this stage of our program, you’ll learn what it takes to overcome these challenges and step into the exclusive million dollar solo lawyer’s club.

The program starts with a 12-week crash course. You’ll be assigned a Chief Executive Officer, a Chief Operating Officer, and a Chief Financial Officer, who will work with your bookkeeper to extract key financial reports and help you move forward based on the numbers. You will have access to our exclusive membership website and discussion forum, and you’ll get two tickets to attend the live quarterly meeting.

If you’re ready to break the seven-figure barrier…let’s get started.


Stage 4

Dialing Up Your

Marketing Machine

When you cross the seven-figure barrier and begin to scale your firm into a multimillion dollar business, your growth is probably starting to take off and really providing you with a comfortable lifestyle.

This is great, but you might still feel like at any moment you’ll lose the success you’ve worked so hard to build or simply stay stagnant in growth because it’s hard to imagine doing more than what you’re doing now. No lawyer should feel this way, and we’re here to help you insource, hire, train, and manage your law firm’s COO.

Insourcing your firm’s COO will give you FREEDOM. The freedom to do more of the things you want to do and to move on to something bigger if that is the case. Because you’re an entrepreneur—so you’re always ready for the next challenge!

Your COO will help run your law firm’s operations according to the business plan you continue to develop and pivot for success. This key member of your staff should be managing your team, ensuring policies and procedures are followed, alerting you of red flags in the business, and, most importantly, managing to your expectations. But if you’ve hired us, it’s probably because you have never managed a professional COO before and are getting help.

Our professional team will help you manage a qualified COO that will propel your business forward — not just a glorified office manager that will be good at doing whatever you ask of them. You’ll find that once you have a COO in place, which we help manage, your firm will give you peace of mind, your staff will be happier, and work will be getting done better than it did before!

With our help, your COO will make a big difference in getting from $1,500,000 in revenue to over $3,000,000. You should be ready to let your curiosity about your own potential and your desire to be passionate about your life and work overcome your fear of change. Because what you’re about to experience with the freedom of having a professionally managed COO will change your life.


Stage 5

In sourcing your

Firm’s COO

When you cross the seven-figure barrier and begin to scale your firm into a multimillion dollar business, your growth is probably starting to take off and really providing you with a comfortable lifestyle.

This is great, but you might still feel like at any moment you’ll lose the success you’ve worked so hard to build or simply stay stagnant in growth because it’s hard to imagine doing more than what you’re doing now. No lawyer should feel this way, and we’re here to help you insource, hire, train, and manage your law firm’s COO.

Insourcing your firm’s COO will give you FREEDOM. The freedom to do more of the things you want to do and to move on to something bigger if that is the case. Because you’re an entrepreneur—so you’re always ready for the next challenge!

Your COO will help run your law firm’s operations according to the business plan you continue to develop and pivot for success. This key member of your staff should be managing your team, ensuring policies and procedures are followed, alerting you of red flags in the business, and, most importantly, managing to your expectations. But if you’ve hired us, it’s probably because you have never managed a professional COO before and are getting help.

Our professional team will help you manage a qualified COO that will propel your business forward — not just a glorified office manager that will be good at doing whatever you ask of them. You’ll find that once you have a COO in place, which we help manage, your firm will give you peace of mind, your staff will be happier, and work will be getting done better than it did before!

With our help, your COO will make a big difference in getting from $1,500,000 in revenue to over $3,000,000. You should be ready to let your curiosity about your own potential and your desire to be passionate about your life and work overcome your fear of change. Because what you’re about to experience with the freedom of having a professionally managed COO will change your life.


Stage 6

In sourcing your

Firm’s CFO

Law firms at this stage of growth must have strong financial controls and, more importantly, a good CFO that will leverage the resources needed to double to a $6 million  firm in 18 months. That won’t happen overnight, and it won’t happen with a bookkeeper or accountant who isn’t as hyper focused on growth as you are.

More often than not, solo lawyers in this group have been working with financial strategies that aren’t necessarily focused on growth but instead are focused on saving money. We’re not saying there’s anything wrong with saving money, but if saving money is the strategy you’re using to double your law firm’s revenues — it’s not going to work. No lawyer in this stage is going to get to the next stage of growth by saving more money. You’re going to get to the next level of growth by dialing up on your marketing, hiring exceptional talent, expanding your law firm, investing in software to streamline processes, etc.—all of which cost money!

By insourcing your firm’s CFO and letting us handle the management and development of this person, you’ll have an A-team player that will help you plan for growth. You need to have this person on your staff full time so that they fully understand your business plan and where you are headed for growth. A fractional CFO (yes, even our service) is no longer the answer at this level, but you might not know how to manage them and communicate efficiently. Even more so, you might be very afraid of handing over all your numbers to someone who is a complete stranger. That’s why we’re here to help.

The CFO program provides you with a quality CFO that will be driven by growing your law firm by the numbers—ultimately helping you build a more successful law firm that is growing profitably and even more efficiently.


Stage 7

To Be Or Not To Be A

Fulltime CEO

If you’ve reached this stage of growth in your law firm, you know you have a decision to make: continue to be the lead lawyer for the firm’s legal work or transition into being the firm’s full-time CEO. There is no right or wrong decision here, but either one will require help in transitioning trust.

If you are enthralled by the law and love working for clients and being in court, then you probably want to continue doing legal work in your law firm. That’s great, but you’ll need to hire a full-time CEO that will manage all other business functions and work together with you on the firm’s business plan and driving it forward. This isn’t an easy thing to hand over, especially because you’ve worked hard to build your law firm to where it is and you want to continue to see it grow. But a professionally managed CEO will continue to employ your management principles and build your firm according to your business plan.

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