RJon Robins

How To Save $ On Malpractice Insurance

We recently entered into a joint venture agreement with a malpractice insurance agency that represents only “A” rated carriers.  Apparently they think that lawyers who learn & implement the rainmaking & client service skills contained on some of our programs are a better risk for their underwriters.  And so they’re offering some of our materials for FREE (that is they pay, you get for free) to the first 1,000 attorneys who submit an application to get a no-obligation rate quote.  If they come back with a better rate than you’re paying now, you can switch or not.  Your choice & you still get some How To Make It Rain programs for FREE.  We’re still working out the exact details of which programs they’ll underwrite for you but I’m thinking it will probably be a FREE “How To Close Every Sales Call” CD, which normally sells for $99.

Visit the main website today at https://howtomanageasmalllawfirm.com/ and click on the banner that just went up before you miss your chance to get something for nothing.


A Formula For Success

Watson’s Formula For Succcess

”    Would you like me to give you a formula for success?  It’s quite simple, really.  Double your rate of failure.  You’re thinking of failure as the enemy of success, but it isn’t at all.  You can be discouraged by failure or you can learn from it. 
    So go ahead and make mistakes.  Make all you can.  Because, remember, that’s where you’ll find success. . . on the far side.”

This quote is by Thomas Watson, founder of IBM so he might just know what he’s talking about.  And I’d like to add-on a couple of ideas Mr. Watson did not address:

1. Notice the title to this blog entry “A” formula for success, not “The” formula.  I recently sold a program to a very successful lawyer who also has chosen to give back and teach other lawyers how to market their own law firms too.  We later ran into eachother and laughed about the fact that we both invest alot of time reading books, listening to programs & attending seminars of people whom those “not” in-the-know would consider to be our competitors.  But you have to constantly challenge yourself, learn new approaches, fan the flames of creativity by exposing yourself to new ideas.  In other words, there are lots of formulas for success and I’d encourage everyone who has read, listened to, attended any of my books, audios, seminars etc. not to limit yourselves to just my approach.

2. The only two common denominators that I see in all the successful Rainmakers I work with are that they focus their practices on areas of the law or with clients or concentrate on aspects of the business of running a law firm that gets them excited; and that they get off their butts and try things. . . in other words they fail ALOT but when something does work, it generally brings with it a very nice reward.

OK, gotta run.  Food’s here! 

Please comment or e-mail me with your biggest failures.  Things you thought would be great but weren’t and most important, what you learned from the attempt. 


Remember to use a little tenderness

It’s amazing how many professionals choose their line of work after having been a patient, client, customer etc.  All other things being equal, I know I’d prefer to have a doctor/lawyer/accountant, etc. who has been through what I am coming to them for help with.  I think that having had to hire lawyers and having had the client experience makes me a better attorney.  It certainly helps me keep my clients’ priorities in mind.  And those priorities very rarely include getting a lecture from my attorney about what an idiot I am for having gotten myself into the position of needing his/her help in the first place.  The next time you’re counseling a client, try & couch your advice in terms of what can be done, empathize with the feelings they must be having that may cloud their better judgement and let them know that they are not the only one in the world who has gotten into their current predicament.  I guarantee, this alone will boost your revenue and lower your stress from your practice.

A good example of a bad example. . .

A lawyer in NY sued her florist for using the wrong color flowers at her wedding.  Click here to read the whole story.  No wonder we have to work so hard just to overcome the negative perception some of our prospective clients have of us!

Blogging For Profit

On Friday October 12th Grant Griffiths is hosting a free teleseminar to celebrate the launch of a brand new program every successful Rainmaker and aspiring Rainmaker should be interested in:    Blawg
for Profit is the culmination of six months work that Grant and his partner have invested to create a very simple step-by-step course to help you understand what a blog is and appreciate, how it can be used to make it rain for your practice. 

As I’ve said again & again, there is no “magic bullet” when it comes to making it rain for a small law firm that in & of itself will consistently generate hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Instead, the long-term successful Rainmaker knows we have to employ our favorite dozen or so techniques which each year can consistently generate tens of thousands of dollars.  That way we’re never “betting the ranch” on any one approach.  Blogging should definitely be among the techniques any serious Rainmaker considers.

Grant has been nice enough to invite all
solo and small firm lawyers to participate on the call he will be
sharing some practical, valuable advice on how to effectively blawg for

Also, on the call, to celebrate the release, they will be awarding one
lucky winner a free copy of the Blawg for Profit course. The course
consists of 4 audio CD’s, 2 DVDs, a Workbook, and several other goodies
all of which are designed to make you a more effective blogger.

To qualify for the drawing that will take place during the call, visit Blawg For Profit to register now.