RJon Robins

A MUST READ article posted at the Techology Liberation Front

Well add this to my list of reasons why Twitter is worthwhile. . .

So I was just getting ready to post a comment on Twitter to all my “friends”. . . or are they only my friends on facebook?  No matter I came across a post that caught my attention and disovered a group called the Techology Liberation Front which describes itself as being   “. . . the tech policy blog dedicated to
keeping politicians' hands off the 'net and everything else related to

Now insert whatever disclaimers you want here about how I have only read one article from them so far, but I think I may be in love!  Not that I'm very well informed about technology per-se.  But I do recognize a rational and objective mind when I read an article from it and what a rare treat that is to discover. 

So you can imagine how excited I was/am to have discovered this MUST READ article!

I don't care if you care about technology.  Read the article anyway.  It should be a reminder to all of us that there really are a whole bunch of do-gooders who honestly believe they know better than we do about how we should run our businesses and conduct our lives.  And they are not dissuaded from their beliefs by reality.  That's part of what makes them so dangerous!

Great Advice on Law Firm Marketing from Captain Kirk & Denny Crain (but not T.J. Hooker)

OK, so if you’ve been following me for any time at all you should have already figured out at least the following three things that I believe to be true:

1. Captain Kirk Kicks Ass!

2. Denny Crain Kicks Ass!

3. Being a lawyer enables us to live extraordinary lives. Seriously, you have to believe that a lawyer’s natural state of being is happiness and prosperity with a warm feeling in our heart because of all the people we’re able to help and make a great living at it – even if some of those people are executives of your corporate clients they still have feelings too!

I mean, every time I hear a lawyer whining about “recession proofing” their practice I just want to shake them and say “YOU’RE A LAWYER! SO NUT-UP LEARN HOW TO MAKE IT RAIN FOR YOUR LAW FIRM TAKE IT UPON YOURSELF TO MASTER SOME BASIC LAW PRACTICE MANAGEMENT SKILLS AND START COMPORTING YOURSELF LIKE ONE OF US!”

You can therefore imagine how EXCITED I was to discover that none-other than William Shatner found these words to express my disappointment whenever I learn about a lawyer settling for less…
So crank-up your speakers and prepare to have a career-changing experience when you listen to this and pay attention to the words:

If you dig this sort of practical real-world I won’t piss on your leg & tell you it’s raining law firm marketing & law practice management advice from a lawyer who has plumbed the depths of literally more law firms than I can count. . . first as a Law Practice Management Advisor with The Florida Bar’s Law Office Management Assistance Service (LOMAS) and later as a private law firm marketing & law practice management consultant. . . then you may want to take advantage of a FREE OFFER going on right now over at www.HowToMANAGEaSmallLawFirm.com

Start a law firm – resources & free help

OK, so you already know I've helped HUNDREDS of lawyers start a law firm.  Back when I was a Practice Management Advisor with The Florida Bar's Law Office Management Assistance Service it was like a weekly thing for me.  And there is NO practice area that is immune to the benefits of proper planning.

Recently though I've noticed a growing number of people offering “resources” to help a lawyer successfully open a profitable and personally and professionally rewarding law firm business.  And most of the advice I have seen out there, sad to say is just plain bad.  As in bad because it will waste your time working on elements of a “business plan” that are totally unnecessary unless your goal is to raise working capital from investors.  And bad because those kinds of business plans that are used to raise working capital and satisfy lenders usually miss the MOST important elements that make a law firm actually work in the real world. 

So here's a limited time only offer and you'll understand why I have to say this is on a “first come, first served” basis because I anticipate an avalanche of smart lawyers to take advantage of my generosity here:

Send your law firm business plan to MJ@HowToMANAGEaSmallLawFirm.com.  Write “Business Plan” in the subject line and as time permits I'll review it for you for FREE and give you the benefit of my hundreds of successful law firms experience.  And yes, if it sounds like I'm bragging I am because who else is going to do it for me right?


How to use Google Alerts to market your law firm

I’ve been on this soap box before:  Google Alerts is a GREAT tool for marketing your law firm.  It’s especially a great tool because of the way it so levels the playing field with larger law firms.  I mean all you have to do is enter in key words that are relevant to your CLIENTS and voila – you have a never-ending stream of relevant excuses to get and keep your name out there in front of them.  And instead of being irritated by your expensive and time-consuming (and lame) brochures and advertisements, your clients will actually APPRECIATE your communiques.  Oh no, there I go again getting back up on that soap-box again!  So I’ll shut-up now and let “Mr Google Alerts” take over for me with this great article.

Empowering Your Staff: The Path to Becoming a Wealthy Lawyer

I really am a great tipper! In fact I’m a really great customer or client for anyone to have, not just because I’m a very loyal person to begin with but also because once I get into a routine I am comfortable with I tend to stick with it for a long, long time.

I used to get my hair cut by the same person in Ft. Lauderdale for nearly 6 years, 4 of which I actually lived 500 miles away in Tallahassee! I also go out of my way to refer business to people and companies I like and I’m always quicker to share a kind word or a compliment with someone’s supervisor or about someone’s business than I am to criticize.

But there are just so many colossal customer service screw-ups all around me that I can’t pass-up the opportunity to share them with you so that you can learn from and avoid these kinds of law firm client service mistakes in your own small law practice where you should be maximizing staff potential. These business owners are literally watching tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars walk out their doors every year. But not you. Not after you see this. Empowering your employees should be your number one priority.


p.s. I also had a very bad banking experience with Chase today but it was saved by a wonderful bank manager whose supervisor is receiving a letter commending his performance. This time Chase closed one of my accounts because someone wrote a check to ME that bounced. Yes, you read that right. I was the victim so Chase closed my account and sent me a letter which arrived today, the day before the account was to be closed.

How To Make A Million Dollars In Your Small Law Firm

Lots of lawyers mistakenly believe it has to be exotic or complicated to double (yes I said double) the revenue of a small law firm.  To the contrary, some of the “best practices” when it comes to law firm marketing and law practice management and some of the most important things to do if you want to start a law firm are very simple and free.

I learned a thousand different ways to make an extra five, ten even twenty thousand dollars or more when I worked as a Law Practice Management Advisor for The Florida Bar’s Law Office Management Assistance Service.  But I never did “discover” that one big “holy grail” secret that will bring in a million dollars to a small law firm all by itself.  And if it was out there you can be pretty sure I would have found it.  Consequently I’d suggest you keep your hand on your wallet when speaking with anyone who says they that have.  Sign up for my FREE weekly ezine at www.HowToManageaSmallLawFirm.com