RJon Robins

Insomnia Cookies NYC: Generating repeat and referral business for your law firm.

Insomnia Cookies NYC: Generating repeat and referral business for your law firm.
Date: August 2014
Location: Insomnia Cookies, NYC (https://insomniacookies.com/)

After a quick lunch in the city, RJon shares a lesson inspired by Insomnia Cookies in New York City’s Financial District. The cookie shop is known for its warm cookies, and had a line nearly out-the-door while RJon was enjoying lunch and shooting this video. So, if a cookie shop can maintain such high volume, what is stopping your firm?

The focus of this lesson is how to contact your former clients for business. Which is completely allowed under Bar Association rules! Your former clients are your biggest fans. They are the perfect candidates for repeat business and referrals, which can be fundamental to the growth of your business. Even if they have a problem or task you cannot help them with, you might be able to make a referral to someone else who can, and the client will definitely appreciate that


I hope you’ve had a great weekend.

I hardly slept a wink last night thanks to Mr. Peanut who was walking all over me all night long because he’s afraid of thunder.

I almost put the GoPro outside to capture the awesome power of the massive lightning and thunderstorm that rolled-in over Biscayne Bay ahead of tropical storm “Erika”.  The good news for you (and the bad news for me & Mr. Peanut) is that by all predictions, it’s looking like I’ll get a second-chance to capture some awesome thunderstorm video tonight.

This made me think about a couple of lessons I’ve been meaning to get around to sharing with all of you to help you get better at predicting what’s going to happen in your business in the coming year, quarter and even in the weeks-ahead.

But before I get to the mechanics of this lesson we have to get a couple of points out of the way so you’re in a proper mindset to embrace this lesson.

…and to embrace a new way of running your business and living your life.

The word is “Predictability”   Which comes from the word “Predictable” meaning “: to declare or indicate in advance; especially :  foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason”.

Either you demand a certain degree of predictability in your business, or else you’re tolerating a lot of bullshit.

Consider This…

A thousand years ago human beings had the same innate intelligence as we do today.  But they had less information.  And so they were not able to predict the weather nearly as well as we can predict the weather, today.  Consequently, thousands of people died every year or suffered catastrophic loss in previous generations, because of storms which were predictable, but which were not predicted.

You see, the causes for the weather haven’t really changed.

If our ancestors a thousand years ago (or even a hundred years ago) had the same information we have today…they might well have predicted the weather, taken precautions and then who knows how much more advanced our society would be today!

The key is to understand that whatever can be predicted today, was equally predictable in the past.

Except in the past, people were not AWARE of the predictors.  And so they often reached the incorrect conclusion that the world around them was un-predictable.

You see where I’m going with this, don’t you?

The causes that precede the effects that affect you the most in your law firm are quite well known and pretty well understood by people who make a study of law firm management.

Just like the causes that precede the effects in the weather are pretty well known these days to people who make a study of the weather.

Just like causes which precede the effects in your own line of work are pretty well known to YOU.

So here’s the thing….

I don’t presume to know how to predict the weather.  Because I didn’t make a study of that body of knowledge.

Even though the weather affects my plans, my property, my comfort and my safety.

Instead I rely upon experts who know more about how to predict the weather than I do.

Nor do I presume to know how to predict the effects of a myriad of causes which affect my legal rights.

That is why I hire commercial real estate attorneys to advise me when I engage in commercial real estate transactions.  And I hire  business attorneys to advise me when it comes to signing important contracts.  And I engage the services of an estate planning attorney, an accountants, a tax planner and financial advisors too.


You already know the reason why.  In fact you give this advice every day to your own clients.  And it’s GOOD ADVICE. Except you may not be following your own good advice. And that’s a double-trouble problem that may be suppressing your profits in ways that might surprise you.

DISCLAIMER:  You Already Know This Next Part…

You already know it would be (insert your adjective of choice) for me to act as if my expertise in one area of my life and business (how to manage a small law firm) should suddenly qualify me know about everything else in my life and business.

But what happens to us in law school?

What causes us to get our heads turned-around so much that we come out of law school “feeling” as if,  just because we’re familiar, qualified, competent perhaps even great at understanding, predicting and managing the relationship between one set of causes & effects…that somehow we should feel uncomfortable about asking for help in a wholly unrelated area of information?!?!

Could it be so simple as the fact that it was drilled into us never to ask a question we don’t already know the answer to, and somehow we forgot to apply common sense to that advice by recognizing it only applies at trial?

I mean, not asking questions unless you already know the answer is moronic outside of an adversarial setting like a trial, don’t you agree?

And so hundreds of thousands of lawyers who own solo and small law firms across the country, tolerate owning a shitty business that could be so much more profitable, predictable and fun…because they have it twisted-up in their mind that being great at the practice of law somehow equips them to be competent at predicting the weather or managing the BUSINESS of a small law firm.

To give you a sense of just how ludicrous this notion is, just imagine the most brilliant criminal defense lawyer you know, handling a complex estate planning matter.

…or if the best intellectual property lawyer you know trying to to handle even a simple real estate transaction.

…or anyone who has not made a concentrated study of how to manage a small law firm, going to their family and saying in essence,

“…even though I have never studied any of the 7 main parts of a law firm and I may not even know what they are, you don’t have to worry because I have the business of my law firm under control.”

Here are three simple questions you can ask yourself, to predict the revenues, expenses, staffing requirements and the amount of physical space your business will require in 12 months, in 90 days and in the coming weeks:

1.) How many net-new cases or matters were opened in the last 90 days (and what’s the average value)?

2.) What is the average ratio of cases or matters to attorneys and support staff (and how is each position compensated)?

3.) How much and how do you plan to invest on marketing and training in the next 12 months (and will you track ROI)?

And keep in mind:

If you tell a weatherman that a warm front is about to collide with a cold front over a hot sea, the weatherman will be able to tell you what to expect in the skies next week.

If you tell an estate planning attorney (for example) that you’re NOT going to leave instructions for your family as to how you want your kids to handle your affairs after you’re gone, the estate planning attorney should be able to tell you what to expect is going to happen to your family and the reputation you leave behind.

And if you tell someone who KNOWS about the business of how to manage a small law firm the answers to these three questions above, that person should be able to tell you pretty much everything you need to know about what’s likely to be happening in your life, because of what is likely to be happening in your business 12 months from now, 90 days from now and with a bit less accuracy, in the coming weeks as well.

The number of net-new cases multiplied by the average value will tell you how many cases your business had better be ready to handle, gross revenues, the number of staff you’ll need a year from now and in 90 days and how much physical space your firm had better be prepared to provide for staff and clients alike.

The average ratio of attorneys and staff : cases or matter and their comp structure will tell you when you are going to need  to begin hiring, training and bringing more staff on-board to stay ahead of the growth-curve.  This in turn will also tell you what your overhead is going to be which you can deduct from projected gross revenues (above) to get a pretty good idea what your profits will look like.

Knowing (meaning, having a plan) for how much and what you’re planning to invest on marketing and training will tell us a lot about where you will be spending and how much of your time you’ll either be enjoying or cursing yourself for not planning-ahead, a year from now.  This information with also tell us what your firm’s revenues will be a year from now and whether or not you’re going to find yourself in the middle of a shit-storm or enjoying a wonderful day at the beach.

And now I have three more questions FOR YOU…

a.) Do you have the courage to face-up to these questions, or will you stick your head in the sand and keep telling yourself that your life and your business are unpredictable and so what’s the use?

b.) Exactly what part(s) of your previous training and experience in your area of brilliance do you believe prepares you to tackle these important questions on your own?

c.) What advice would YOU, YOURSELF give to one of your own clients if they were about to head-out into the wild and wonderful world of business unaided by information, training or any advisors?

Do the right thing for yourself and your family and your clients too.

Schedule an appointment to speak with a member from my team about the future of your business and how having an outside CEO can help you make it so much more predictable, profitable and fun.

OK I hope that whether you follow my advice and schedule an appointment or decide to keep going it alone, that you at least take the time to get the answers to the questions above and make your business and your life more predictable this week!



How To Grow Your Firm by 400% In Just 3 Years.

This week, Inc. 5000 published its 2015 list of fastest growing companies in America, and How To MANAGE a Small Law Firm was number 1,087, growing 400% in the past 3 years (click here to see our Inc. 5000 profile).

Contrary to what you might think, it isn’t very hard to grow your firm so aggressively year after year.  All you have to do is pay close attention to the seven parts of your business that help scaling your law firm to the next level:

  • Marketing: How you get your ideal, prospective client to come to your door.
  • Sales: The process you use to convert that prospect into a paying client.
  • Production: What kinds of policies, systems, and procedures will your firm need so it runs they way you want it to run?
  • Physical Plant: The tools/resources/office space/software/equipment your firm is going to need. How will these things change as your firm grows and evolves?
  • Financial Controls & Metrics: Your pricing model. Your law firm’s weekly, monthly, and annual budgets and cash flow projections. KNOWING YOUR NUMBERS!
  • People: Define the roles required for your firm to operate smoothly. If you’re just starting to build your firm, it’s important to recognize that you may be doing all of these jobs now, but you must define when it is going to become necessary for you to hire, manage, and train a staff to hand-off these jobs to.
  • You: You are the most important part of your law firm. You are the one building a succesful and profitable law firm. What is your message and why is it important to you? What are your personal, professional, and financial goals? What is life going to be like when you feel that you’ve accomplished these goals?

That’s it – the secret to our success, and the success of hundreds of our Members, is learning to manage those 7 parts that help in maximizing business growth for law firms.

We grew 400% in the past 3 years. Many of our Members have grown exponentially every year. You can do it too.

We are the leading, largest, biggest and best provider of outside Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
services exclusively for the solo and small law firm (single-shareholder) market.

We can help you manage The 7 Parts of Your Business, so that your firm can grow as much as ours has. It won’t be hard, but it isn’t easy either, and it will take a heck of a lot of work.

Build a Million Dollar Law Firm: What’s Holding You Back?

Most solo lawyers will never build a million-dollar law firm. They just won’t do it. Instead, they’ll compromise for their entire life. They’ll make less money than they want to make. They will work more hours than they want to work. They will work with clients they don’t want to work with. They will take less vacations than they want to take, and the vacations they do take won’t be to the places they really want to go.

Our members ARE building seven-figure law firms. Many of them already have and many more are well on their way.

So what’s the difference between our members and the vast majority of solo lawyers who choose to remain miserable for their entire life? Well for starters, they’re in our program, and you should be too if you want to accomplish what they’re accomplishing. One of the most important things we do for our members is help them identify what’s holding them back. Everyone is different, but we see many of the same common obstacles over and over. I bet that some of these obstacles are holding you back, too. Such as…

Your Fears. You’re a lawyer. You’re trained to be cynical. You’re trained to look for precedent. So when somebody tells you that you can build a seven-figure law firm, your reaction is to look for reasons why it WON’T work. And your reaction is to look around at your peers who aren’t close to building a million-dollar law firm (and never will be) and assume that if they can’t do it, neither can you. It won’t be easy, and you can’t do it by doing the same thing all of the lawyers around you are doing, but you can do it. Our members are proof.

Your Friends. No offense, but some of your friends are probably losers. They probably look for reasons why you CAN’T do something before looking for reasons that you can. They’d probably rather compromise for their entire life than bust their butt and create something amazing for themselves and their family. If you hang out with people like them all the time, that becomes your mindset too. All the more reason it’s important to surround yourself with a community of like-minded lawyer-entrepreneurs who are on the same journey you want to be on.

Your (Lack of) Skills. I’m not talking about your legal skills. Your legal skills are barely relevant as your firm grows. No, what’s holding you back are your lack of management and leadership skills. Building a business requires different training than practicing law… and they sure as hell didn’t teach you how to build a business in law school. The good news is that you can LEARN these skills. Our members, once again, are proof.

Your Lack of a Road Map. It’s hard to arrive at your destination without a map that walks you through each step of the journey. And frankly… you probably aren’t surrounded by many lawyers who have built a million-dollar law firm. So it’s easy to understand why you don’t know how to get there. The lawyers around you don’t have a map. You didn’t get the map in law school. Your friends don’t have the map. Here’s the good news: We can give you that road map. Even better, we’ll sit in the car with you and help you stay on course through every leg in the journey. If that sounds like something you’d be interested in, click here to take the first step.

How to manage your legal marketing so you don’t have too much of a good thing


How to manage your legal marketing so you don’t have too much of a good thing.

How to manage your effective marketing strategies for law firms so you don’t have too much of a good thing.First of all, the best way to kill a poorly run business is with great marketing because maximizing marketing effectiveness is going to give you many, many, many more opportunities to fail at a much faster pace.  So the first thing is you got to get your factory under control, your processes, your policies, your systems and procedures.  You’ve got to understand, you’ve got to just blueprint it out, just flowchart it out, how the work flows through your firm from beginning to end; just flowchart it out on a whiteboard.  You don’t need any kind of fancy computers or anything in managing legal marketing campaigns.

And you figure out what is the capacity, if our firm can handle a capacity of, let’s just say for argument sake,100 active cases or matters at a time and our marketing, right now let’s say we’re at 50 active cases or matters and we’re adding ten every month and we’re closing five every month that means we’re growing at a net rate of five per month, right?  If we’re at 50 and we grow net five per month then we know that in ten months, I’m not a math guy either, in ten months we’re going to reach capacity.

And when we reach capacity if we don’t turn down the dial on the marketing, if we don’t turn that switch down, turn that valve off or slow it down, we’re going to overwhelm our staff, we’re going to overwhelm our systems, we’re going to overwhelm our procedures and what’s going to start to happen is your clients are going to start getting disappointed, your staffs going to get stressed out, you’re going to get burned out and too much of a good thing will have been the downfall of your business.  So you’ve got to get your factory under control, you’ve got to understand what is making your marketing work and you’ve got to run out your projections 3, 6, 9, 12 months out to know when are we going to reach capacity and either turn down the marketing dial or build up the factory in anticipation of reaching that point.

Three Ways to Motivate Your Law Firm Employees

Your people are an important part of your law business, for better or for worse.

Talented, motivated, and engaged employees provide excellent client service.

They execute systems and procedures consistently. They keep the firm running, allowing you to spend your time thinking like a business owner, doing work that you choose to do, and taking vacations.

On the other hand, disengaged employees cause major problems.

They provide poor service. They cut corners and disregard established procedures, often with disastrous results. Their lack of motivation forces you to spend all of your time looking over their shoulder, or even worse, doing their work for them.

Here are three quick tips to keep your employees motivated:

1) Help employees understand how their job can help them build the life they want. Ultimately, motivating your employees is about them, not you.

You need to show them how this job will allow them to get what THEY want out of life. Salary is an obvious motivating factor, but so is the knowledge they will acquire, the connections they’ll make, the skills they will learn.

It’s your job to understand what motivates your employees and to help them understand how their position in your firm will help them build the life they want.

2) Set clear guidelines and document processes so that there is no ambiguity. Ambiguity is frustrating for most employees.

Assuming you’ve hired the right people, they actively WANT to do a good job. So it’s up to you to put them in position to succeed, and a big part of that is clearly documenting every aspect of their job and teaching them how to get it done properly.

Everything should be systematized and documented—from answering the phones, to setting appointments, to your billing process.

Failure to do this will stress out your employees, confuse them, and cause your practice to run chaotically. Don’t let that happen.

3) Provide regular feedback, both positive and negative. Your employees need to hear from you—or from their direct supervisor—regularly.

In addition to correcting mistakes, this communication should positive feedback.

Human beings thrive on recognition and appreciation, and expressing appreciation to your team is a critical function of a good leader. Note that this DOESN’T mean lowering your standards in order to pat employees on the back.

Hold your employees accountable and demand performance, just be sure to deliver praise when it’s delivered.

Keeping your people motivated and engaged is critical for the success of your firm.

Contact us today if you’d like to learn more!