So I have to say, there are ALOT of people going around talking alot of bullshit about what they “think” would, could or should work when it comes to marketing & managing a solo or small law firm. And I’m talking about REALLY marketing & managing it. As in doubling your revenues and totally transforming your business and your life.
And for the most part, I keep my mouth shut. Because the kinds of lawyers who I want to work with are only the ones who are smart-enough to see through the facades of all those pretenders.
Just the other day for example I spoke with a lawyer at-length, who wanted to get into one of my programs. But he was also considering another option with someone else who will remain nameless. Because I have learned that the best way for that lawyer to learn the difference between working with someone who knows what they’re talking about with legitimately 15,000 hours + real world experience vs. a johnny-come-lately import from an entirely different industry is to just keep my mouth shut.
Same goes when you’re meeting with a prospective client who is considering their other options, even if one of those options includes hiring another lawyer who you know, can’t hold a candle to you.
Just smile, keep your mouth shut and be thankful that you confirmed the end-time for the appointment when you started so you can move onto something more profitable with the rest of your day. Seriously, you should NEVER badmouth another lawyer. Just like I’m not badmouthing anyone here. Just commiserating with you about something we both already know: There are alot of people in the world who talk a good game but they’re full of shit. And sometimes the only way to know is after we buy a ticket.
ON THE OTHER HAND, it’s always a pleasure to let people know when someone is NOT full of bullshit. Even if to the untrained-eye, it may appear that “someone” is your competitor.
Because when it comes to professional services there really is no such thing as competition. And one of the best ways to grow your law firm is to collaborate with other lawyers in your practice area.
For example what if two lawyers who practice in the same city in the same area of the law were to join forces to advertise and host an educational seminar?
Half the advertising expenses. Half the event production expenses. More than twice the attendance because the whole is more attractive than the parts. More great content. And at the end of the day, a third of the audience would naturally gravitate to lawyer A, a third would naturally gravitate to lawyer B and a third would think you’re both assholes and then go home and keep looking through the phone book.
There are DOZENS of examples like this. One more is when a lawyer you know writes a great article that would be helpful for your clients to read. Do you share it? Do you hope they don’t find out about it?
What’s the “RIGHT” thing to do? Well, obviously sharing it is the right thing to do. Besides, how do you think your client would feel if they were to learn that you knew about something that could help them but your own petty insecurities prevented you from sharing.
SO IT GIVES ME GREAT PLEASURE TO THANK ALEXIS for sending this email to all the thousands of lawyers she knows to help them by sharing my FREE video training series “A Simple System For Managing A Law Firm Client Property Trust Account That WON’T Make You Feel Like A Schmuck.”
Alexis, if you’re reading this, you really are the real deal!