RJon Robins

Alexis Martin Neely: NOT Full of Bullshit

So I have to say, there are ALOT of people going around talking alot of bullshit about what they “think” would, could or should work when it comes to marketing & managing a solo or small law firm. And I’m talking about REALLY marketing & managing it.  As in doubling your revenues and totally transforming your business and your life.

And for the most part, I keep my mouth shut.  Because the kinds of lawyers who I want to work with are only the ones who are smart-enough to see through the facades of all those pretenders. 

Just the other day for example I spoke with a lawyer at-length, who wanted to get into one of my programs.  But he was also considering another option with someone else who will remain nameless.  Because I have learned that the best way for that lawyer to learn the difference between working with someone who knows what they’re talking about with legitimately 15,000 hours + real world experience vs. a johnny-come-lately import from an entirely different industry is to just keep my mouth shut.

Same goes when you’re meeting with a prospective client who is considering their other options, even if one of those options includes hiring another lawyer who you know, can’t hold a candle to you. 

Just smile, keep your mouth shut and be thankful that you confirmed the end-time for the appointment when you started so you can move onto something more profitable with the rest of your day.  Seriously, you should NEVER badmouth another lawyer.  Just like I’m not badmouthing anyone here.  Just commiserating with you about something we both already know:  There are alot of people in the world who talk a good game but they’re full of shit.  And sometimes the only way to know is after we buy a ticket.

ON THE OTHER HAND, it’s always a pleasure to let people know when someone is NOT full of bullshit.  Even if to the untrained-eye, it may appear that “someone” is your competitor. 

Because when it comes to professional services there really is no such thing as competition.  And one of the best ways to grow your law firm is to collaborate with other lawyers in your practice area. 

For example what if two lawyers who practice in the same city in the same area of the law were to join forces to advertise and host an educational seminar?  

Half the advertising expenses.  Half the event production expenses.  More than twice the attendance because the whole is more attractive than the parts.  More great content.  And at the end of the day, a third of the audience would naturally gravitate to lawyer A, a third would naturally gravitate to lawyer B and a third would think you’re both assholes and then go home and keep looking through the phone book.

There are DOZENS of examples like this.  One more is when a lawyer you know writes a great article that would be helpful for your clients to read.  Do you share it?  Do you hope they don’t find out about it? 

What’s the “RIGHT” thing to do?  Well, obviously sharing it is the right thing to do.  Besides, how do you think your client would feel if they were to learn that you knew about something that could help them but your own petty insecurities prevented you from sharing. 

SO IT GIVES ME GREAT PLEASURE TO THANK ALEXIS for sending this email to all the thousands of lawyers she knows to help them by sharing my FREE video training series “A Simple System For Managing A Law Firm Client Property Trust Account That WON’T Make You Feel Like A Schmuck.”

Alexis, if you’re reading this, you really are the real deal!


Bad Advice You May Have Heard in Law School

There’s alot of good advice we heard in law school.  But
there’s one bit of really bad advice most of us heard too.  And
it’s sucking the fun and profits out of way-too-many law firms.


NOT a Rhetorical Question:


What would you say if someone told you that “Owning” a law firm is a costly myth?


Please click the link ABOVE to let me know YOUR thoughts.  


Here’s What I Think:


admit it took me a long time to figure this out too. 


So in the
meantime while you’re pondering  the implications of what I have just said
above, on this rainy Friday morning in Miami, I’ll go first:


is held-out like a carrot to get alot of extra work out of alot of
lawyers who were never taught and have been kept intentionally in the
dark about the business side of “owning” a law firm.


Lawyer goes to work for a growing law firm.  Is told if you work hard and bill enough hours, someday you’ll be “made” partner.


what if the associates didn’t WANT to be made partner?  Then how would
most law firms “motivate”  those associates to Bill More Hours?


root of the problem for “owners” of law firms all over the world, who
are trying to wrestle with this problem, is in how they’re framing it.


when the goal of a law firm is to Bill More Hours as opposed to
generate more profit, all kinds of things get screwed-up.  Beginning
with the value of the lawyers
 who work for the firm.


In the old days, the “profit” of a law firm was a function of value being delivered to clients. 


It wasn’t measured by the number of hours. 


how long something takes to do, is usually in inverse proportion to the
resulting value to the client.  Do you want your dinner to arrive in 5
minutes or in an hour?  Which has more value to you? 


Unless you’re a
defendant trying to stall the system, typically, the longer something
takes, the LESS it should cost.  At least from the client’s


And since attorney clients are the ones paying the legal service bill they DO get a vote
on this.


Loss of Love & Profit From The Practice Of Law


What happens is that when a law firm is focused on billable hours, and then holds business partnership
out as a carrot to motivate the production of more hours, the
end-result is a loss of love for the practice of law. 


the only lawyers who THINK they want that, are the lawyers who don’t
understand the business-side of the law firm well-enough to
fully-appreciate what they’re getting themselves into when they accept
this equation.


you’ve been reading my ezines and watching my videos for any time at
all you already know that, sadly, MOST lawyers don’t really understand
business-side of the legal industry very well. 


And it’s not their fault! 


after-all, what did they teach any of us in law school about the
business-side of “owning” a law firm?  Nothing!  Actually it’s worse
than nothing. 


Most lawyers actually get very BAD advice in law school
about the business side of a law firm


bad advice most of us recieved may have ranged from the merely
mis-guided: “just do your work and someone else will take care of that”
all the way to the downright DESTRUCTIVE “this is a noble profession and
so you shouldn’t concern yourself with making a profit at it.”


Shouldn’t concern yourself with making a profit at it?  But profit is a function of value!


if a lawyer isn’t waking up every day with his or her mind on how to
generate a profit for the law firm it’s our clients who are suffering
isn’t it? 


Because they don’t care about “buying” hours.  They want
solutions!  And all things being equal, our clients want their solutions
delivered to them sooner rather than later.


And here’s where it gets REALLY UGLY…


you’re NOT thinking about making a profit, you’re typically not
thinking about the things that lead to making a profit either. 


And one of
those things that has a direct-connection to how profitable our law
firms are is how our IOLTA client property trust accounts are set-up and


course, if no-one ever told you that your law firm should be
profitable, and the more the better because profit is a function of
value to clients;


That is to say if
all you ever heard about was billing hours…


Then chances are no-one
likely ever taught you how and why your law firm’s IOLTA client property
trust account can and SHOULD be used as a PROFITABLE law firm management tool


And that far from being
something that intimidates us, our IOLTA Client Property Trust Accounts
should be tools of empowerment that contribute to your being the best
lawyer you can be.  And having the most fun at the practice of law and
the most VALUE to your clients and yes, all of that is very profitable
too. This will keep you away from the harmful law school advice.


If you have not already done so…


 Please register to watch a completely complimentary series of videos I’m able to give to my fellow lawyers and the legal industry at-large but only for a short time.  It’s entitled “A Simple System For Managing A Law Firm Client Property Trust Account That WON’T Make You Feel Like A Schmuck.”


In the videos
you’ll hear about how I felt like such a schmuck when I first started
my own law firm; Because, despite all the warnings about WHY not to
screw it up, I realized no-one had ever actually bothered to teach me
the HOW TO manage my trust account!


Anyway there’s absolutely no cost to watch these videos.  And for reasons you’ll understand if you click the link &
read some of the comments & questions in the discussion forum I can
only keep this resource out there for a limited time.






p.s.  Even if you don’t
normally forward blog posts to other lawyers, please forward this one.
Because none of us should ever have to worry about how to manage our
IOLTA Client Property Trust Accounts.  And none of us has been taught
how to properly use them the way these videos do!

This Will Make You Feel Good About Your Law Firm!

3 Important TRUTHS About The Legal Industry They Didn’t Teach Us In Law School






Back when I
was first starting my own law firm I had a client come to me for help
starting his own restaurant.
He was a great
chef, but he had no experience and undertook no training in the
marketing or managing of a restaurant.
He was “just” a great chef.

Against my counsel he went ahead and opened
his restaurant anyway, with predictably bad results.

Years were subsequently wasted learning
expensive and embarrassing lessons the hard way.
That cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars in terms of both
opportunity costs and working capital. Too many hours in the
restaurant, struggling to reinvent the administrative wheel took all the
joy out of his business; and distractions caused by easily avoidable
“emergencies” prevented him from being able to spot market trends and
marketing opportunities. But you will make it different and see the 
trends and developments in the legal industry.

Consequently, my chef client was always
playing catch-up with other restaurants whose chef-owners were not
nearly as talented as he.

But they invested the
time, before and after, opening their businesses to learn what they
never learned at culinary institute about the business side of the
restaurant industry.
And that made all the difference. Keep it also as 
insights into the legal profession.

So the lesson for all of us is…(original post is at TotalAttorneys.com blog)






Which software is best for managing an IOLTA Client Property Trust Account?

We just launched the first video last night in the completely-free video series entitled “A Simple System For Managing A Law Firm Trust Account That WON’T Make You Feel Like A Schmuck” and the questions are already starting to come in. 

Question: “I’ve been told there is a way to use Quicken or Quickbooks to manage my trust account.  The price is ok.  Do you recommend Quicken or Quickbooks or something else entirely?”

Answer: I would recommend you stick with one of the law firm
management specific software programs and not try to twist Quicken/Quickbooks
into what it was not meant to be.
Although you certainly can try.
But in the end you’re not going to save any money.  You’re going to waste alot of time.  And you’re going to lose alot of sleep.

VERY IMPORTANT FIRST STEP: Don’t bother with ANY law firm financial
management software until AFTER you have a solid understanding of how your
IOLTA client property trust account and general ledger, budgeting & billing
system should work MANUALLY first.  Because you
don’t want to be introducing automation into chaos. Or else you’ll just end up automating
the chaos.  And then you won’t even know if
it’s the confusion over how to manage the trust account & financials of your law firm OR confusion over the lawyer accounting software itself.

This is a mistake we’ve all made. It can easily cost you
years of your life and hundreds of thousands of dollars in opportunity
cost.  For some lawyers it can be even
more because they never figure it out.
So learn how to manage your trust account first before wasting time or
money on any software. 

 Here’s a free course called “A Simple System For
Managing A Law Firm Client Property Trust Account That WON’T Make You Feel Like
A Schmuck”
.  Again, been there, done
that!  Don’t want YOU to have to go
through it too. 

Here’s the link:

Let me know if you have any questions.  Happy to help,


Free IOLTA Trust Account Management

From Future Lawyer and long-time friend, Rick Georges:

Happy Lawyers Control their business for

Old friend, RJon Robins, who used to work for the
Florida Bar answering lawyers' questions about the management and
starting of a law practice, is now offering his great video series on
how to maintain a trustworthy trust account, online, for free. Of
course, he wants you to sign up for his law firm management services;
but, even if you don't do that, you should watch these videos. In my
experience, there is a lot of ignorance among lawyers about the trust
accounting rules and regulations. There is some confusion over the
requirements of maintaining a trustworthy trust account. These videos
will help any lawyer to get it right. 

(Note:  Thanks, Rick!)

Rick Georges: Resource for Solo Lawyers & Small Firms

Future Lawyer Rick Georges does it again!  A GREAT resource for solo lawyers & owners of small law firms!  In Rick's own words. . .

One of the handiest Internet sites for lawyers is the Docstoc site,
where thousands of legal documents are freely shared by others. It is
like having a huge law firm with a big document databank. It is free,
and you still have to be a lawyer, and use the forms merely as a
preliminary guide; but, I have saved a lot of drafting hours by using
forms I initially found here. Standard forms and templates are dangerous
if you don't modify them to suit your State and your client. However,
as a starting point, they can be very handy.

Click HERE To see Rick's original post & link to Docstoc