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Meet Up

Let’s Meet Up In Atlanta!

You’ve got questions about how to manage and grow your small law firm by AT LEAST 35% in the next 12 months…all while taking more time off and having more fun.

We’ve got answers and we’re hosting a few presentations around the country to deliver them.  So Let’s Meet up!

photo of a group of happy successful lawyer learning and sharing together at an htm live quarterly meeting event

Our team will be in Atlanta, GA over the next few days and we’ll be there for an event we’re hosting for a small group of our members who are also flying in from around the country too.

You’ve heard about the phenomenal success our members enjoy.

You’ve seen video testimonials and some of the many, many, many case studies.

And you’re curious to know if this is real.  Because if it’s real and you miss out and keep struggling instead…well then, you will prove the definition of insanity, which is doing the same things over and over and over, but expecting different results.

Maybe you don’t really want your law firm to be successful?  Because if you wanted it to be successful but you won’t even drive across town with several weeks advance notice to have a drink with members of our team AND A DOZEN OF OUR MEMBERS TOO and ask us a bunch of questions about how we’re growing small law firms at record speeds…all while making the owners and their families happier and less stressed out…well then, what does that say about you?

Sorry to say you’re NOT invited to the members only event that we’re there to host. But you ARE invited to a meet up we’re having during the following hours.

Atlanta, GA  March 13th, 2019 4pm – 6pm


Show-Up and have a Drink.

  1. Learn from the HTM team & Members who are all entrepreneurial solo lawyers about what’s working best when it comes to small law firm management.
  2. Ask your questions and discover from the How to Manage a Small Law Firm team and from about a dozen owners of some of the fastest growing law firms in the country (who also happen to be some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet).

Here’s An Idea:  Bring your spouse or significant-other or someone-else in your life who has a deep, personal and vested interest in the success of your firm and how happy you are because of it.  And let him or her ask a few choice questions about how to manage a small law firm, too!


Meet Some of the Most Successful Small Firms In the Country.

Get Your Questions Answered.

RSVP below and check out the different topics we’re hosting.


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Atlanta, GA

March 13th, 2019    4-6 pm

Location: Tosca Blu at the Renaissance Atlanta Waverly hotel & Convention Center

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