Happy Members


Our Members are entrepreneurial attorneys who do whatever it takes to grow their law firms and build a business that works for them and gives them more freedom and financial security. 

They are people just like you, with families they love, clients they want to help (and some that are not so easy to work with), and a law firm they are building to make more money.

In each of the stories below you’ll hear from our members who all scheduled a call with our team to get help growing their law firms, and now have actionable goals for how much money they are going to make, how many hours they spend working in their business, and how that business serves them professionally.

Find out if we can help you build a more successful law firm and if our community of entrepreneurial attorneys is right for you – schedule a call with our team on the calendar below.


“It’s been one year so in this one year since joining the program my gross revenues grew 48%. The best thing I did was create systems so that I could offload the burden of everything that I was carrying on my own shoulders and develop a team.

This program is brought out incredible richness within myself, and not only monetary riches but also inner riches. Part of that comes from the freedom of not having to carry everything all the time” 

-Michael Cohen, Micahel H Cohen Law Group, Palo Alto, CA

“Before I joined How To Manage, I had gotten pretty far in my life, you know at a very young age, but I had no clue how.

You’re not going to join this and hope that in 12 months you have a 7-figure firm. This is not a magic pill. You’re gonna work harder than you ever have before but you’re going to work harder on the smart things or the things that are going to drive you forward and move you forward and not just grinding and getting nowhere.” 

-Sara Khaki, Atlanta Divorce Law Group & The Khaki Law Firm, Atlanta, GA

“It gives me goosebumps thinking about it. You laid out how to grow a million dollar a firm on paper… This was October 2014 and October of 2017 is exactly when we hit it.

We’re just going to keep doing it and I don’t lose sleep anymore, my stress level has plummeted, I’ve finally become very relaxed and I feel great about where the firm is headed and comfortable that whatever happens, we can handle.”

-Brett Trembly, Trembly Law Firm, Miami, FL

“It’s really not about the money. It’s about building something that can give me more freedom. Once I built this firm that can run without me that’s going to allow me to spend more time with my kids. We try and provide them the things that they need no matter what… But it’s a whole lot easier to do that with a million dollar law firm.

My goal for 2017 was to end the year at $350,000, and I ended the year at $500,000. As I stand here before you today my goal for 2018 is to gross a million dollars.”

-Holly Moore, Moore Family Law Group, Corona, CA

“When we first joined, I think the biggest myth was, ‘we’re different, we practice immigration law what they’re teaching us really doesn’t apply to us. Maybe for other types of law.’ That was the biggest one, and at the end of the day we found out that know what we’re learning is how to create a successful business.”

-Alfredo Lozano, The Lozano Law Firm, San Antonio, TX

“The reason we chose to sign up with HTM is we wanted to have something different. Why don’t we try that because it’s not working the way we’re doing it. I think the biggest shift we’ve made is to set our goals and just say them out loud both personal and professional and financial.”

-Chandra Davis, The Employment Law Solution Mcfadden Davis,LLC., Atlanta, GA

Are you committed to your firm’s growth?

The first step to building a better law firm and living a better life is scheduling a Discovery Call to find out more about How To Manage A Small Law Firm.


photo of a group of happy successful lawyer learning and sharing together at an htm live quarterly meeting event

“It’s quite normal within this program to grow by a hundred percent or sixty percent year on year. So just seeing other members do that it became very clear to me that it was totally possible.”

-Jennifer Gore Cuthbert, Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group – Gore, LLC, Atlanta, GA

“You do a lot of learning about mindset and about understanding yourself and about what is holding you back personally. So professionally, financially, and personally I’ve grown as a human being and that allows me to add more value to my clients and that allows me to basically be better for them. If I’m better for them then I’m helping lives.”

-Ronald Pollack, Pollack Steinberg, LLP., Philadelphia, PA

“That’s the ultimate goal: To have a successful business being good at what you do. You benefit from that but so do hundreds and thousands of other people that you get to help.

There are defining moments in a person’s life. And one of those moments for me is when I chose to join How To Manage A Small Law Firm. It’s a wild fun ride. I love it. It’s been the best thing I ever could have done for my business.”

-Jeremy Hugus, The Platte River Law Firm, Casper, WY

“My firm had been just growing just growing by dribs and drabs, and I wanted to have more profit from my business so I could do more for my family. When I started I was $340,000 and now I’m at $665,000, which is close to double what I did two years ago.

When I joined I thought having a $1,000,000 firm was completely ridiculous. ‘That’s not possible for me to have a $1,000,000 firm.’ And now my goal is to have a 1.2 million dollar firm.”

-Lisa Speaker, Speaker Law Firm, Lansing, MI

“HTM (How To Manage) to me was sort of getting an applied MBA and how to run my own business. Setting goals, measuring, and coming back. The other thing that I got out of HTM was and continue to get out of HTM is a lot of the mindset work that’s done. Thinking about what your own blocks are, what are your own fears, what is standing in the way. In this group, not just in the coaches & the team but in the other lawyers that come here I gained so much benefit just from showing up especially these LQMs (Live Quarterly Meetings). That association with just the peers has been transformational in of itself.”

-Nathan Riordan, Wenokur Riordan PLLC, Seattle, WA

“We live in a society where the paradigm is scarcity. How To Manage (HTM) teaches you that there’s enough out there for all of us. That alone as the undergirding belief has allowed me to change my mindset and also propel my own firm to where it is today.”

-Christina McKinnon, McKinnon Legal, Miramar, FL

All of these lawyers were once where you are today, and had to make a decision about the future of their law firm…

Don’t let the fear of what is new and unfamiliar hold you back from growing the law practice of your dreams.

The first step to building a better law firm and living a better life is scheduling a Discovery Call to find out more about How To Manage A Small Law Firm.