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This lesson is applicable to ALL practice areas but ESPECIALLY for high-volume, low margin practices. Pay attention because herein lays one of the ways we can so easily double, yes you read that right I said DOUBLE the revenues of most small law firms in 12 months or less. . .
“Hello, I’ve been doing business with your company for years. I know you don’t make custom screen doors anymore. Can you refer me to somewhere that does?”
“We sell screen doors”
“Yes, I know that. But you don’t make custom screen doors anymore. Can you please refer me to someone who does?”
(. . . pause. . . )
“We sell screen”
“Yes, I understand that. But what I am looking for is a custom screen door to be built for me. Can you please connect me to someone who might know more about that?”
(. . . connection. . .)
“Yes, hello I have been doing business with your company for many years and I understand you no longer custom fabricate screen doors. Can you refer me to another company that does?”
“You’ll have to come in to show us what you want”
“So you DO custom fabricate screen doors?”
“No. But it will be easier if you’re here than to try and talk about this by phone”
(Easier for who?)
“Can you tell me who else in town makes custom screen doors or not?”
“Hold on.”
(. . . Connection. . . )
“Custom orders”
“Yes, hello I have been doing business with your company for many years
and I understand you no longer custom fabricate screen doors. Can you
refer me to another company that does?”“No.”
“O.K. thank you for your time.”
(Hang up!)
Of course what I really wanted to say is no-thank you for wasting my time and oh, by the way I will hold this against you in the future because that’s how it works when you waste a person’s valuable time. A lesson to learn in generating legal leads from this example.
And I bet the owner has no idea that his staff just “converted” a long-time customer into one who is now ripe for the picking by the first competitor who comes along and offers me a comparable array of services, knows what they’re actually in the business of selling (hint: it’ not doors) and demonstrates respect for my time. When acquiring new clients for lawyers it is important to value their time as you value yours.
By the way, notice I never once asked about price? That’s because when it comes to solving this particular problem I don’t really much care about the price. And after attracting legal clients and doing a great job, they won’t care either.
BONUS POINTS for anyone who can EITHER:
a.) Correctly identify the “problem” I am seeking to solve by the purchase of a custom screen door; or
b.) Suggests an appropriate question that would help you find out.
Post your comments below. . .
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