RJon Robins

Why in the world would a multi-million dollar company ever want to hire a solo?

This week for our monthly Gold Call I interviewed the president of a $3mm company that manages over $30mm of its clients’ money.  The question I posed to him was “Why in the world would a muti-million dollar company ever want to hire a solo lawyer?” 

And then of course the group peppered him with a barrage of politically-incorrect, direct and some downright scary questions you’d love to know answers to but you’d probably never want to ask anyone would could be a potential client or referral source.  Or probably anyone else who knows you!

Some of the highlights from his criteria:

It’s NOT about saving money.  He acknowledges that he doesn’t necessarily save money by hiring a solo or a small law firm over a big firm.

It’s NOT about being able to pick up the phone and call a solo lawyer anytime he wants vs. scheduling a telephone appointment in the same way one would expect when calling a lawyer at a big firm.

It’s NOT about prestige of a big firm or a fancy office – he expressed no qualms about hiring a home office lawyer, if s/he’s the right lawyer.

It’s NOT about the allegedly “full service” offered by big firms.

It’s NOT all about legal advice.

It’s NOT about Bar Rules.  In fact some advice he offered the group about how he’d like to be contacted by prospective new legal counsel was in direct violation of Bar Rules of every State I’ve studied.  This was a surprisingly valuable bit of insight because it reminded the Group (and me too) that clients don’t know about, or care about Bar Rules.  Here we had the President of a mult-million-dollar client who purchases nearly a hundred thousand dollars of legal services most years and influences the spend of more than $30mm of his clients’ money.  And he said that what he’d REALLY like is if a lawyer would pick up the phone and call him to offer a free legal audit to demonstrate familiarity with his business and industry.

Post a comment below & let me know what you think about that!


p.s. The Microsoft-sponsored “National Solo & Small Law Firm Success Tour” is picking-up speed with tour dates in Atlanta, St Louis & Minneapolis happening in November and two webinars for Canadian Bars in December, so I suppose we’ll have to change the name to “International” next year when we hit Boston, Houston, NYC, LA, San Fran, Hawaii, Chicago, New Orleans and about 20 other cities I don’t have the list of right now! 

If you’re in any of these cities I hope we’ll get a chance to meet in person soon.

The argument against free

Background:  This is part of an exchange between a software developer and me about the pros & cons of offering “free for life” law office management software.  Do not read farther into it than in this context.  There is still a valid argument to be made for free samples which is perfectly consistent with the position I express below:

Hi Paul,

It's perfectly OK if your comparison results in
“Exactly the same”.  There is a
HUGE market that's not yet in the clouds. 
So the challenge isn't to lure them away from any other cloud based
service.  Just to lure them away from
non-cloud, to cloud and be able to stand toe-to-toe with the cloud-based

I respectfully could not disagree with you more about the
issue of money.  Money cuts through the
bullshit to get & keep people focused on being productive.  I have tried to help many people for free in
the past.  I found I am generally doing them and
myself both a disservice. 

As soon as I
tell a lawyer he or she must pay to join my coaching program it forces them to
make a decision.  For some it's a tough
decision.  Maybe even an embarrassing
one.  But the decision serves their lives
because it forces the person to commit to achieve their goal or admit that
they're not committed to the goal so they can then move on with their lives and
focus on some other goal(s) in their life that they are more desirous of.  Remember everything I do comes with 100% guarantee so the investment I ask a lawyer to make in him/herself is financially risk-free.

You offer me a free law firm management software program and
you're going to have to work pretty hard to convince me that I should take


Because “free” is not the deciding factor for the program I'm
depending on to run my whole life. 
Reliable, responsive, rock-solid, bullet-proof, safe & convenient are
the deciding factors.  I'm sure there are
plenty of lawyers who will take “free”. 

But for the most part I doubt those will be
the kinds of people I want to be doing business with.  Because if free (or even “cheap”)
is their deciding factor when it comes to something as important as their law
office management software then I know from ten years experience they're going
to be making questionable decisions in other parts of their practice too.

There are MUCH better ways to address value than free
when it comes to law office management software.  Better for you, better for the lawyers who
you're asking them to depend on you and of course better for me too if I'm the
one being asked to make the introduction regardless of if I get a penny out of

I hope you'll give serious consideration to what I've
said here.  I'll look forward to speaking
with you soon,


What Seth Godin Thinks About The Small Law Firm Management & Marketing Coaching Program

Video Below

Disclaimer:  I don’t know Seth Godin.  I’ve read most of his books, more than once.  I exchanged a personal email with him two years ago.  And a client/friend of mine spent five full days in a private meeting with Mr. Godin in his New York office talking about some very exciting and very “BIG” ideas that two months later we’re still debriefing her about to extract every morsel of information & insight because he’s Just So Damn Insightful!

We’re about to close down enrollment for two different coaching programs.  One is for lawyers who are thinking about it or have recently started a law firm.  And it’s dawned on you that there’s something “Broken” about the modern legal education curricula in most law schools.

This program is called “How To Start A Successful Law Firm In 90 Days Or Less” and our first group meeting is the first week in October so I have to close down enrollment Friday September 24, 2010 to allow my team to do what they do to run the program for us.

The second program is for lawyers who are ALREADY RUNNING your own successful law firm and so you know all too well that there is indeed something Broken about our legal industry.  Because running your own law firm should be fun.  And profitable.  And it should make you happy.  Because happy lawyers really DO make more money.

One of the things that’s “Broken” in our industry, by the way, is too-many-lawyers operating with the Broken Belief that profits in a law firm are the result of hard work.

That’s a pretty unhappy way to go through a career.  Clients and our families hate it too.

Instead, profit comes from creating value.  And value is not a function of how many hours you sacrifice to the business.

The second program is my “Small Law Firm Management & Marketing Bootcamp” that you can learn more about by following that link.  In order to give everyone plenty of my personal attention I have to close down enrollment in this one too this Friday September 24th.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to break it on purpose for the people
you don’t care about, so that it makes more sense for the people you do

That’s a quote from Mr. Godin’s video below.  I share it with you here because I want to let you know that my coaching programs are Broken.

But they’re Broken on purpose.

And I offer a 100% Guarantee to protect you and to protect me, in case you decide to enroll and discover the program you enrolled in isn’t Broken in just the right way for YOU.

Either way, part of the reason I have to close down enrollment is because I can only “on-board” 12 at a time into either program.

And the other part of the reason is that the “on-boarding” process involves you & me having a private one-on-one talk.

That way we can both be sure the program you select is perfectly Broken in all the right ways for who you are, how you like to learn, where you’re at today with your law practice and where you want it to take you.

OK, so enjoy the video.  It’s GREAT!

Seth Godin at Gel 2006 from Gel Conference on Vimeo.


p.s. If you DON’T agree this video is great, I’d still encourage you to take advantage of some of the free resources sprinkled throughout my various websites.  But there’s a good chance you’re just going to think my programs are just plain “broken”.

A Message to Brian Sajdak

To: Brian Sajdak From: RJon Robins Re: Answers to your question(s) Date: September 20, 2010 Mr. Sajdak, In a series of public tweets you have posed a series of questions to me, which I have done my best to answer in 140 characters or less.  In the final question you ask “…given your past failure at running a law firm, why should anyone hire you to advise them how to do it?” Question # 1: Am I a “Fake” lawyer? September 7 You Tweeted: Re: Fake lawyers…er…social media gurus like @rjonrobins don’t follow me much. Do you go looking for them @btannebaum, or am I just lucky? My Response:  No, I am not a “Fake” lawyer.  I was admitted to The Florida Bar in 1997.  I have never had a disciplinary complaint lodged against me. I have never been sanctioned by any court.  I am admitted to practice in Florida and in the 11th Circuit.  I interned for The Office of The US Trustee and later for then-chief Bankruptcy Judge AJ Cristol who later performed my swearing in ceremony in his courtroom for me. Question #2: Do I Use A Female Avatar? September 7 You Tweeted: @DavidSug I was going to correct you but I see @rjonrobins uses a female avatar for @tweet4lawyers. Interesting @antoninpribetic @btannebaum September 7 You Also Tweeted: Sadly, I actually looked. @tweet4lawyers is @rjonrobins and @DeniseWakeman – pic is hers. @AntoninPribetic @DavidSug @btannebaum My Response: No, I do not use a female avatar.  In early 2009 I interviewed well known social media expert Denise Wakeman for my coaching group and as part of her lesson she demonstrated for us how to set-up a twitter account. Since Denise was using her computer for the demonstration we loaded a picture of her to demonstrate the process with a made-up twitter name. You will note that I enjoy a following of more than 2,000 mostly-lawyers.  The account you referenced above has been dormant for more than 18 months.  It has fewer than ten followers.  Clearly no-one is attempting to use that dormant account for nefarious purposes. I explained this to you in a tweet to which you responded with Question # 3:   Question # 3: What About My Bar Standing? September 9  You Tweeted: @rjonrobins That’s the easy mystery to solve. Now what about your bar standing? You’ve avoided those questions. @antoninpribetic @DavidSug My Response: In your tweet you imply that there had been numerous questions posed to me that I had avoided. In point of fact the same day I saw the question I immediately responded not only with independent tweets, but also with replies and even a blog post explaining all of the facts & circumstances which added up to the acknowledgment that yes indeed I missed some credits in my cle cycle that had ended 9 days before. And I was just waiting to finish making them up online and for The Bar to update records. Point-being, I never “avoided” the question as your tweet implied.   Same Day (September 9) You Further Tweeted: @rjonrobins Your website says “I am a Member of The Florida Bar in good standing (Fla Bar No.126 713).” Explain: http://is.gd/f1QLH. My Further Response: You made it as far as to search-out and find my records on The Florida Bar website. So you were also able to plainly-see that I enjoy more than a 10 year unblemished disciplinary record, I maintain current membership in a number of voluntary sections and that it was simply a matter of some missing CLE credits. Had you extended me the professional courtesy of a private email from the address listed on that page, instead of a public accusation on twitter I would have been able to assure you in more than 140 characters that, I made no court appearances and let all of my clients know about the situation and was simply waiting for the records to be updated. Question # 4: Do I Lie On Social Media? September 11 You Tweeted: @rjonrobins With an easy explanation, there is nothing offending. Other SM folk have lied to me, and it is a problem. My Response: I was not offended that you posed any of your questions.  I was disappointed that the tone of the “questions” were more like accusations.  As you correctly pointed out, there was an easy explanation. Perhaps a different approach could have been an email from you to me along the lines of “Hey RJon I don’t know you but I’ve seen lots of testimonials from lawyers and bar officials all over your website and as a professional courtesy I wanted to let you know you appear to be CLE delinquent on your bar records.  By the way, I have seen a number of your tweets in which you state that you are a lawyer.  Please clarify the situation with your bar record?” Brian, I’m pretty sure you would have received back a big “Thank You” from me with assurances that I’d only become aware of the problem a few days before, that I was just about done with the online courses I then-immediately signed up for, and that the bar records should be updated in a few days, along with assurances that none of my clients were mis-lead and no court appearances made. Question # 5: Why Did I “Re-Tweet” Your September 9th Tweet? On or about September 19th I did in fact RT the following from you: @rjonrobins Your website says “I am a Member of The Florida Bar in good standing (Fla Bar No.126 713).” Explain: http://is.gd/f1QLH. Your Response: @rjonrobins Glad you got everything straightened out. Of course, retweeting my post is a bit disingenuous, no? To Which I replied: @bsajdak I RT your post b/c it publicly implied I am not what I say I am & included a link to my bar credentials. Not to embarrass you. My Further Response: The “context” extends beyond only the people who “follow” me.  You have hundreds of “followers” who may or may not follow me.  Given the tone of the string of emails preceding this one I believed and still believe the only way to put the status of my bar license in complete context is by retweeting your original tweet. Admittedly this is an imperfect solution to a complex problem.  Which is exactly my point about jumping onto one tiny bit of information shared in less than 140 characters. You presumed I am a transexual avatar using liar pretending to be a fake lawyer who dodges questions.  And you made your presumptions publicly, at my expense. I retweeted one of your public questions in order to alert people who had seen it to the fact that my bar license is in fact in good standing. Could we BOTH have been more clear in our communications?  Of course.  That’s why triers of facts that have the power to damage a person’s reputation, don’t limit their due diligence to Twitter. We BOTH Agree? To Your Credit On September 20 You Tweeted: To his credit, he [RJON] was honest and straight forward about it [the cle issue](which is more than I can say for other SM-lawyer-types). Congrats @rjonrobins My Response: @bsajdak To his credit Bsadjak was interested in & acknowledged the facts (which is more than I can say for others in my “fan club”) Tks B Note: I should think there is no other way to interpret this tweet except in the spirit it was intended:  As a compliment to you for being interested enough to inquire and honest enough to acknowledge the facts once they were brought to your attention. I Further Tweeted To Clarify The Facts: @bsajdak For the record: I am NOT a SM “guru”. I teach FUNDAMENTAL law firm management & law practice marketing. SM is new to me too. Question # 6: Why Should Anyone Hire Me To Advise Them How To Run A Profitable Law Firm? September 20 (Several Hours Later) You Tweeted: @rjonrobins Now, on the facts: given your past failure at running a law firm, why should anyone hire you to advise them how to do it? My Response: @bsajdak Great question. 140 char answer is b/c I learned what NOT to do. Then learned what TO do. Then I helped 1,000’s attys DO it too. I then tweeted: D bsajdak: Do you have an email address I can reply to this w/ more than 140 characters? Pls send to rjon@howtomanageasmalllawfirm.com And since it’s directly responsive to your question I added… @bsajdak Here’s the brief “About Me” version: http://bit.ly/cpiTod w/ a few of my testimonials sprinkled throughout. @bsajdak …& a few more spec to starting a law firm: http://youtu.be/4TzwY3SFfGE 140 not really enough to tell anyone’s whole story is it? Your Response To My Invitation Above:   @rjonrobins No, but you’ve got a website (presumably a blog) – a great opportunity to answer without the PR buzzwords from you About Me site So Here’s My 140+ Character Response To Your Question: One of my favorite quotes that I keep on my office wall is by Bruce Lee who in addition to being well known as a martial artist was also a highly-respected entrepreneur.  Lee said “To Know & Not To Do Is Not To Know”. I KNOW how hard it is to live with the fear, embarrassment & frustration of having a law firm that does not perform up to your expectations either financially, personally or professionally.  I also KNOW how empowering it is to discover some relatively-simple law practice management techniques they never taught most of us in law school, put them to use and almost like magic you start to see your whole practice & your whole life turn-around. I brought my own law practice back from the brink of financial disaster in only a few short months by using law firm marketing & law practice management fundamentals. In fact I turned it around so effectively that I ended up being recruited by the legendary J.R. Phelps who was the founding Director of The Florida Bar’s Law Office Management Assistance Service. I called J.R. for help.  He told me what to do.  I did it.  It worked.  I called back for more help. And that’s how we got to talking which lead to the offer to come to Tallahassee and work as the only lawyer who has ever served as a Law Practice Management Advisor with The Florida Bar’s LOMAS program. As a LOMAS PMA I would routinely spend about half my month in the office fielding anywhere from 3-10 calls a day from lawyers and legal administrators asking everything you can probably imagine about how to start, market, manage, merge, buy, sell, close etc, etc. etc. a law firm. The math and J.R. himself verify, in just that part of my job over 3+ years I helped THOUSANDS of lawyers to have a better law practice. And I have a redwell stuffed full of some very touching thank you notes, emails and hand-written letters. When I wasn’t in the office I was out in the field at the behest of the Disciplinary Committee. Nearly 54% of all bar grievances filed trace their roots to a law practice management problem.  So very often the Disciplinary Committee would send me out to find and fix the management problem(s) that lead to the complaint in the first place.  I have crawled through the depths of many dozens of solo & small law firms to turn them around.  Which is a big part of why I was attracted to bankruptcy law in the first place. When I wasn’t busy fixing broken law firms I was presenting dozens of CLE seminars & workshops all over the State of Florida about how to start, market & manage a small law firm. I have probably addressed into the tens of thousands of lawyers in literally more audiences than I can count. And while no-one raises their hand or waits until the end of a CLE program to ask the speaker a private question with the expectation that he will have heard the same question 20 times before, that’s the reality of it when you’ve spoken with and worked with as many lawyers as I have. Just like you, Brian, have probably handled the same fact pattern enough hundreds of times before to be pretty good at being able to predict and resolve it for the municipality before the whole situation hits the fan, right? So that brings us to about 7 years ago when I left The Bar and began working with clients privately where the emphasis was more on marketing than management and I ALWAYS offered a 100% guarantee of satisfaction. In my last “job” working for a consulting firm our average annual retainer was $100,000 and our averag e performance bonus was nearly half that much at year-end based on new business attributable to our work. In 2006 I started my current business because I was in love, I didn’t want to travel as much and be away from my now-wife for weeks at a time, and I really do like the instant gratification that you can only get with a small law firm that has only one decision-maker instead of a whole committee. While I profess to know alot about how to market & manage a successful small law firm I DID NOT know alot about how to run an online business that sold mostly educational materials online, and shipped them to lawyers all around the world. Still, I shipped many hundreds of programs.  I got many repeat orders.  I ALWAYS offered (and still do) a 100% guarantee.  And I enjoyed a return rate of less than about 5%. Today, after running my lawyer coaching & education business for several years I have “Done” which means I “Know” alot more about this type of business than I did when I started. And  the technology has improved dramatically in just the past few years. So I’ve transitioned from only selling educational materials to offering telephone-based coaching supported by educational materials. I have dozens of “Members” representing all different types of practice areas, from all different States around the Country (even Wisconsin).  And we have Members in at least three different Countries too. Every single month, every single one of them enjoys a 100% Guarantee and I’m proud to say in the past 18 months my business has nearly doubled. So, Brian, given my past failure at running a law firm, why should anyone hire me to advise them how to do it?  I suppose if I were to try & sum it up in 140 characters or less I’d say “Because I Get Results.”

Still figuring this out…

Ok, so you know how you see celebrities out there acting all crazy and you think to yourself, “Why is this person acting like this, it seems like s/he has everything going for them?!?!”

Well, I'm beginning to appreciate something I'd only understood intellectually before.  You see, in the past 18 months my business has grown by more than 100% and we're on track to grow alot more in 2011. 

This has been mostly the result of Ale regaining her health and me finally reconciling myself to get out there and publicize what I've been doing privately for the past 10 years or so.  Which admittedly is not to everyone's taste.  And that's ok. Because growing your law firm requires you to stand for something.  And the more clearly you stand for something and the more publicly you do so the faster and the bigger your practice will become.

But along the way you have to be prepared to attract your detractors too. 

Because there are chocolate lovers who are content to enjoy their chocolate while someone else enjoys their vanilla.  But sadly, there is a part of the population who because of their own personal problems just can't stand to see you enjoying ANY flavor ice cream. 

The thing is about these types of people is that their inability to be happy for another person's happiness comes from a place of internal dishonesty with themselves.  And our human egos being what they are, most people look for facts to justify how they feel.  So the internally unhappy person goes in search of facts to support their positions.  Now one of two things can happen.  An unhappy person who is honest with him/herself will find facts that force them to take different actions to become happy.  But the dishonest person will often just start making things up.

This is part of the reason I really like to work with lawyers.  Because we are trained to be objective and find facts upon which to base our opinions.  So even a lawyer who may not be happy with his or her practice today but who goes in search of facts will eventually find the path to a happier practice and a happier life.

The problem is when you encounter an unhappy person who is also not very honest with him or herself and so in order to protect their ego starts making things up.  And while I am not a celebrity I'm beginning to understand how distracting it can be when an unhappy reporter or gossip columnist who is also not honest with him or herself sets their sights on someone who is out there in the public eye trying to do some good in the world be it through education, entertainment or politics.

Because logic, facts and basic human kindness count for nothing if they stand in the way of a dishonest-unhappy person and his or her fragile ego.

Anyway, I'm still figuring this out. 

I thought I'd share because I know there are alot of lawyers who read my blog who are similarly experiencing exponential growth in your practices and I wanted to let you know not to be discouraged or retreat.  That you are not alone if your efforts to grow, improve and extend your reach of influence to improve the lives of your clients is unexpectedly making you the target of some unhappy people who for reasons known only to them and their mental health professionals cause them to be highly threatened by your prosperity and happiness, to the extent of making up things.


An easy & free law firm marketing “strategy”

1. Be quick with your compliments & slow with your criticism.

2. Compliment people.  Criticize only things & issues.

3. When you make a criticism that is later proven wrong, tell twice as many people that you made a mistake as you shared the criticism with.

This is a very effective law firm marketing strategy because at the end of the day law firm marketing is all about building & maintaining relationships.