Welcome to HTM – 8 – Financial Wins


We just had our highest month ever!

This year we hit the million-dollar mark. And the year is only half over!

I doubled my revenue in less than 12 months!

My wife and I just put an offer on our dream home last week. Today it was accepted!

You see we keep a file called the “Hall of Fame” and these are excerpts from emails our members sent to us sharing their wins.

There are hundreds more just like this.

What’s most fascinating is that a lot of these people were afraid to join HTM because they “didn’t have the money.”

We have the utmost respect for these people who were able to see past their own fear and excuses and in doing so, proved to themselves that they were capable of so much more.

The took a chance before they were ready to and it paid off BIG TIME.

Take a look at this video. These are happy, healthy, wealthy lawyers who used to think they had to work harder to make more money. They are now VERY glad they listened to us and learned a better way.

Their journey from struggling lawyer to successful business owner had to begin in their minds. Most of them read this manifesto and knew they belonged here. Scroll down to get your own copy. Read it, and then give us a call.

The Manifesto: Statement of Values

The HTM Manifesto is a bound booklet explaining the values and principles that have been responsible for millions of dollars in growth for thousands of law firm owners all over the country.
It is the sacred text that acts as the foundation of the very “bubble” that will help YOU manifest your goals and change your life.

Ready to fast track your law firm’s growth?

Schedule your complimentary appointment now and find out which of our programs is right for you!

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