How to Attract Superstars

This week, we’re sharing a lesson to help you root out the rot of entitlement in your organization. Taken from his members-only meeting in Nashville in 2021, RJon explains what it takes to attract and retain superstar talent.

Let’s go to the vault!

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

In the final part from our series on business scaling, RJon and Draye Redfern from Daniels-Head Insurance Agency teach you why the people who get you from zero to seven figures in revenue are almost never the ones who will get you to five or ten million and beyond—and why that’s perfectly okay.

Scaling Up vs. EOS

This week, RJon compares and contrasts his experiences using two of the most popular frameworks for scaling a business: “Scaling Up” by Verne Harnish and Geno Wickman’s Entrepreneurial Operating System, or EOS.

Let’s go to the vault!

Quality Over Quantity

This month we circle back to an episode from The Lawyer’s MBA series with RJon and Draye Redfern of Daniels-Head Insurance Agency. This lesson is all about understanding what it means to scale your business rather than grow it, and the impact scaling can have on the time you spend with your loved ones.

Let’s go to the vault!

Quiet Courage

This week, RJon helps you understand the type of courage required to create your first business plan, and it’s not the type of courage you might imagine. This lesson comes from RJon’s Live Quarterly Meeting in Miami in 2015.

Why Lone Wolves Die of Starvation

This week, we’re going back to RJon’s quarterly members-only meeting from Las Vegas in 2019. This lesson is all about leadership, the value of a reliable team, and what happens to the wolves who decide to go it alone.