Pivot Plan Appointment – Original

There’s no getting around it.

Any plans you had for growing your firm in 2020 are dead in the water because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Your business plan, budget, marketing plan – everything needs to pivot or else your business will be at risk for one big flop at the start of the decade.

This isn’t to scare you or make you feel like business is going to fail. Quite the contrary…

There’s massive opportunity for small law firm owners because of this pandemic!

You can still grow and finish out the year at your highest revenue ever. But you have to PIVOT your PLAN.

And right now, our team is opening a limited number of spaces on their calendar for complimentary Pivot Planning sessions.

Just go here now to schedule a time.
(Obviously, we don’t have an unlimited number of spaces so be sure to schedule before they fill up!)

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You are in the business of solving problems.

And what has this pandemic done?

Created more problems for more people! Which is creating more opportunities for YOU to be the expert that sweeps in to save the day.

The pandemic has created insurance nightmares, foreclosures, sudden bankruptcies and people will need help!

So doesn’t it make sense to be the last man standing while your competitors are slapping up “out of office” responders and running scared?

What was important to someone BEFORE the virus will be even more important to them after.

I’m just being honest here.

If they hated their spouse and were considering a divorce before the virus, odds are the quarantine only made them want the divorce MORE.

If they were thinking of starting a business before the virus and were laid off during it, the desire to be their own boss and control their own destiny will only be stronger when it all passes.

Are you prepared for that? Are you prepared for the surge in business?

Because if you get prepared and if you create a plan that systematizes your operations, your lead generation, your intake process, you will come out of this crisis bigger and better than you were before it.

Don’t you see?

Your biggest competitive advantage right now is seeing the opportunities where your competitors are only seeing fear, doom and gloom.

Let us help you turn this giant barrel of lemons into lemonade and still end the year strong.

Right now, our team is helping our nearly 400 members create a pivot plan for their law firms and develop a growth strategy that will work amidst the crisis.

And we’d like to extend that same offer to you.

No strings attached. Right now you can schedule a complimentary Pivot to Profit session with one of our law firm management advisors.

Click here to grab a spot on their calendar. These will go fast.

There are so many law firms out there that are badly run. They don’t have a written business plan. They don’t have a marketing plan. They don’t have a formal sales process. They don’t actually use any kind of financial controls, they don’t have budgets and cashflow projections.

So when life returns to normal and there is a surge of business, they will not be prepared to meet it. Because they will be playing catch up.

They will be starting over.

And that will leave a short-supply of SOLID law firms who are able to serve all of the people who need them.

What about you? Are you going to have to start over too?

Or are you going to learn how to PIVOT YOUR FIRM so that you not only stay in business, but keep growing, stay prepared and are ready for ANYTHING?

We can help you formulate a Pivot Plan that keeps you in the game and lands you in an even better place than you were PRE Covid-19.