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Hello Frank,
Thank you for the kind words.
I offer several different courses. The two I am guessing you are
asking about are the Bronze Coaching program which costs just $39/month
and comes with a complimentary copy of my Best-Selling How To Market A
Small Law Firm audio CD program & workbook. And the other is the
audio CD & workbook as a stand-alone product.
You might be asking “Why would anyone buy the stand alone product for
$300 when they can get it for free by enrolling in your $39/month
coaching program?” My answer is that I really would prefer to have as
many attorneys enrolled in the monthly coaching program as possible.
Because that represents recurring revenue for me and I know a
fairly-predictable percentage of you will actually follow the program
and graduate-up to my Silver and eventually the Gold Level of coaching. That’s where we start talking about increasing your income by the
hundreds of thousands per year which makes my services much more
affordable to you and more fun for me to work with you.
So I’m willing
to make the Bronze coaching program more attractive than just buying
the audio & trying to implement it on your own. The Bronze
coaching program is really all about helping you implement what you
will learn on the audio.
But in direct answer to your question, YES if you implement even 10% of
what you will learn on the audio CD you should begin to get results
pretty quickly in your criminal defense practice.  If you’re currently
earning $5,000 per month for example and for just $39/month I can help
you increase your income by $500 that’s a pretty good deal, I think.
But my real goal is to graduate you up to the point where we’re talking
about increasing your income by $5,000 per month and so my $500/month
fee for Gold Coaching is still a good deal for you.
The Bronze program focuses on the basic fundamentals for
marketing any law practice. Much of what you will learn about at this
level is going to seem pretty simple . And perhaps you may even say
it’s alot of “common sense”. However time & again I am able to
help attorneys make huge improvements in their law practices by helping
them get back to basics. And showing them easy ways to actually
implement these basic fundamentals. Instead of wasting time looking for
some fancy new magic rainmaking button.  Or teaching them the much more
advanced techniques before they’ve even mastered the fundamentals.
The Bronze program does NOT teach you a bunch of much-more
sophisticated techniques for how to optimize your website for the
search engines, or how to utilize all of the technologies available to
squeeze more business out of your probably not up to date database of
potential referral sources or even how to develop effective
educational-based marketing materials and programs that will draw
clients to you like a magnet.
It doesn’t get into all of that because in my experience most lawyers
have never even learned the basic fundamentals. And you need to have
these in place if you realistically expect any of the rest of those more
sophisticated techniques & tools to work for you. So we offer a basic
program for just $39/month. Then, later once you have mastered the
fundamentals and have some momentum going. And you are ready to take
bigger steps to leverage your practice and take it to a much higher
level. Then you can step-up to the Silver or even one of my Gold level
coaching programs.
Hope this helps,
On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 7:48 PM, *************************wrote:
This is an enquiry e-mail via from:
Frank *****
First, I want to compliment the hard work that you have obviously put into your materials and your web site.
Second, I trust that you are a man of your word. Â Therefore, I am
asking you straight out: Â Will your course work to increase business
for a solo criminal defense attorney? Â The contents of your site rang
true to me. Â Not being boastful, but I win trial after trial, yet my
practice struggles, while those who bleed them and plead them make
money hand over fist.
I have saved two men from death row, murder charges dismissed, lives
and familys saved, but I struggle every month for business. Â There has
to be a better way!
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