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Most small law firms are so focused on marketing tactics they don’t even know what strategy they’re working on. Tactics alone will kill you.
Now I realize that most lawyers – no matter how great of a lawyer you are – most of us received exactly ZERO exposure to this important concept (law firm marketing) back in law school. And most CLE programs if they even cover marketing tend to just toss-out a few well-intentioned tactics.
But trying to insert a good tactic into an already-functioning law firm is alot like tossing a wrench into the gearbox. At best, if you’re going slow it will grind you to a halt. At worst, if you’re already moving and have some momentum it can kill you.
I’ve seen alot of small law firms break-down before they even get going and more than a few crash & burn faster than the owners’ imagined possible from very profitable to laying people off in a hurry all because of this law practice marketing mistake. Which incidentally, is also a law practice management mistake too since law practice marketing is part of law firm management.
An example of a strategy is to create a 50-80% referral-based practice.
Examples of some of the tactics you might deploy as part of that strategy might be the new client intake
procedures, current client communication systems, closed file client retention
& referral steps as well as following certain checklists and office scripts
which ensure consistency and free you and your staff up to be more creative.
This by the way is an excerpt from a free report I recently wrote entitled
How To
Grow Your Small Law Firm
25-35% This Year
While Enjoying More
Control, More Free
Better Cases & More
Net Profits
Only problem is I SERIOUSLY underestimated demand. So I
ran-out in like two days. So now I’m sending another order to the
printer for a couple hundred extra copies. If you want one too you have
to go to this order form to let me know so I don’t run out again:
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You’re an awesome lawyer. But no one taught you how to market, how to hire, or how to improve your sales conversions. That’s not your fault, but it is your business!
Right now, from your smartphone, you can learn everything you need to know to get to the next level.
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