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Congratulations, You Are Registered!

Mark Your Calendar Now! See Below The Homework!


TUESDAY MAY 10, 2016

12:30 – 2:00 pm EST


12:30 – 2:00 pm EST

IMPORTANT: After you’re done reading this, please be sure to check your email for log-in instructions, a reminder of why you registered and reminder of dates & times.

You might be surprised to get to a page that says “congratulations” for doing something so simple as just registering for a complimentary webinar.

But you might be surprised how many lawyers all around you are willing to waste your time complaining about their law firm, their clients, their finances and their life in general…but what they are NOT willing to do is actually avail themselves of an opportunity like this to DO SOMETHING to improve their situation.


My shrink told me people like that are “help rejecting complainers”.

So you’ve registered. Good for you!


TUESDAY MAY 10, 2016

12:30 – 2:00 pm EST


12:30 – 2:00 pm EST



Imagine your life 18 months from now with a law firm grossing twice as much each month as your firm’s average month today. But with less work from you on drudgery. Less work from you “in” the firm. More control over where & how you invest your time and who you choose to invest your time working with and for.

Really, give yourself a chance to imagine that life.

  • Would you change anything (everything) about where you live? The car you drive? The education or entertainment you provide for your family?
  • Would you hire an assistant to make your life easier? Take a vacation? Volunteer for community service or perhaps invest some of your new found free time & extra cash to take better care of yourself?


Make a list of everything you’ve been meaning to get around to. Don’t distinguish between the really urgent stuff, the really important stuff and the mundane. Just get it all down on paper. Use a pen & a pad of paper, not a computer or any kind of electronic device.

I could bore you with all the details about how the brain is wired to the hand and how using a pen and paper for something like this makes a difference…or you could just give it a try and prove it to yourself.

BONUS: The night after you do this exercise you’ll get the best night of sleep I bet you’ve had for a long time!


Don’t just put it on your calendar like so many other things you once “meant to” do. Make it a priority. I’ll tell you a “secret” that’s not much of a secret to those of us who have multi-7-figure businesses. “Time management” is bullshit. You don’t have the power to “manage” time. Neither does anyone else on the planet. We only have the power to manage our priorities.

If making your law firm more profitable with more free time is a priority for you then you’ll be counting down the minutes until the webinar begins at 12:30 PST on Tuesday May 10th.

If you show-up distracted, if you show-up late, if you show-up uncommitted to this…then that’s probably how you show up for a lot of other opportunities in your life.

Let this be the place where you make your stand. I know it seems melodramatic, but this little webinar COULD be the point in your life where you decide to turn things around.