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Q – Do you know what you get when you worry too much about making the average person happy?
A – Average results!
4 Part Formula For Financial Success & Happiness As A Lawyer:
1. Find an area of the law or a group of clients that you genuinely
give a crap about. Forget about going into any practice area(s) you
don’t know or care about, just because someone says you can make money
at it. You can make a ton of money in any area of the law if you know
anything about marketing and how to manage a law firm.
2. Run your law firm like a business, not a hobby or a higher calling.
Take an honest inventory of the skills you find yourself lacking in.
A law firm is a relatively simple business to run profitably. And
there are plenty of cost-effective resources to help you, including a
bunch created by me. Don’t just sit around waiting for things to
happen for you, like a houseplant waiting to be watered. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
3. Ignore 99% of your critics. If you’re doing things that are
extraordinary and above-average most of the other lawyers in your
market will hate you for it. That’s just a sad fact of life. If you
have no critics you’re not doing enough to push the envelope for the
benefit of the only people who matter. . . paying clients, productive
referral sources, and YOURSELF!
4. Laugh all the way to the bank. Attend every school play for your
kids. Make it home in time for dinner most nights. Turn-down clients
you don’t like. Celebrate milestones with your staff. And, get
control of your law firm business so it doesn’t control you!
There’s no reason to delay the life you want to live.
Find out how we can help you double your revenue in less than 18 months. Click here to schedule a complimentary discovery call with our team.
The HTM Listen Up App is packed with hundreds of hours of tools, trainings, and proven growth strategies to help you hit your highest revenue goals and fast-track your path to freedom!
You’re an awesome lawyer. But no one taught you how to market, how to hire, or how to improve your sales conversions. That’s not your fault, but it is your business!
Right now, from your smartphone, you can learn everything you need to know to get to the next level.
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