Virtual Kids Club



And we know you also have your own family at home.
And we also know that right now most of you are working in that home.
With that family.
And your family is driving you absolutely bonkers!!!!

We can’t really help you out with keeping your spouse off your back, but we figure we can at least keep your kids busy for a little while!

Introducing: VIRTUAL KIDS CLUB!!!

At our Live Quarterly Meetings we offer Kids Club to all of our members so your kids can have fun building a business (including writing a business plan which – let’s be honest – is often better than what some law firm owners have in place) while you’re focusing on your business at the LQM.

I know many of your are struggling with trying to keep bored kids occupied while you conduct business just a few feet away. So let us keep them busy an hour a dayevery weekday for you! So we’ve hired our amazing Kids Club Coordinator – Kristen Keller – to bring kids club to you!

Kristen Keller with moustache


The Young’ins (up to 6yrs old)

Every Mon-Fri from 1-2pm EST (10-11am PST)

This is designed for children up to 6yrs old (or older if your kid still likes “kid like” things).

  • We will be playing games,
  • Doing crafts (with readily available supplies in the house),
  • Doing a little group physical activity (so they might just be tired enough to sit still later),
  • Reading stories,
  • And interacting with each other so they feel like they aren’t completely alone…

The “I know that” crowd (7yrs and older)

Every Mon-Fri from 3-4pm EST (12-1pm PST)

This is designed for kids 7 and older (or younger if your kid is “6 going on 30…”)

  • Here we will go beyond just basic playtime and will be creating interactive games with an entrepreneurial twist.
  • Giving them a sense of community outside their current Disney+ and video game bubble and hopefully something to look forward to in the ever-increasing long days ahead!

Virtual Kids Club is absolutely free for all HTM Members.

Sign Up Today!

All you need to do is use this form to register so we know who is interested (just register once and then you can drop in any time)

YES! Virtual Kids Club sounds awesome!

Then just click the Zoom link at the scheduled time, sit your kid in a quiet place with a Zoom-compatible device (video on is best), and walk away…  We’ll take care of the rest!

For questions please contact Renee at