referral appointment with RJon

Congratulations, you were referred to this page by Your Friend or Colleague who obviously thinks highly of both our firms.

In the next several paragraphs and in the video you see at the top of this page, I’ll tell you a bit about How To Manage A Small Law Firm.  But first I’ll also tell you a little bit about who I am, who I “think” you are, what my firm does for solos like you, and why Your Friend is making this introduction.  Then I’ll tell you how to schedule a private and confidential telephone appointment with my team, exactly what’s going to happen during that appointment and why you benefit from it… And what’s “in it” for Your Friend that made this introduction.  This way you can relax because you’ll know what to expect if we speak and you’ll also be able to put your mind at ease about your friend’s motivations.

First, if you decide to book an appointment on this page you should know you’ll be having a conversation with my highly qualified team who I have personally trained in depth to understand the business of a law firm at a very high level. My team has helped hundreds of lawyers (probably thousands now)to start, grow, and manage their law firms more profitably and efficiently. More importantly, my team is well equipped to help you create a plan to build your successful law firm during that 60-Minute Complimentary Discovery Call you can book at the top of this page. And on that call, we’ll also work with you to define what ‘successful’ means for you and your firm.

So, who do I think you are?

You are probably the sort of person who comes at life with a win-win attitude.  You probably look for the solution and the opportunity in every situation, instead of looking for the problem or the excuse in things.  You are the sort of person who takes 100% personal responsibility for things in your life and business which allows you to take constructive criticism well, even when it “stings”.  And because you take personal responsibility for things instead of relying on excuses or hiding-out behind blame, you probably show-up and face challenges head-on in your life and in your business which is why I expect your law firm either already is or else this is probably why your friend believes your law firm has the potential to be much more successful than most.

I’m expecting too, that if someone we both know whom already has experience working with How To Manage a Small Law Firm as the outside CEO, COO and/or CFOfor their growing law firm saw fit to make this introduction, you’re probably also more ambitious and more entrepreneurial than the average law firm owner.

So, why are you on this page? Why is Your Friend referring you to How To Manage A Small Law Firm? And most importantly, what will YOU get out of scheduling a call with my team today? 

In order to tell you why I’ve created this page and why your friend/colleague shared it with you, I need to provide you with some backstory first. How To Manage A Small Law Firm was founded in 2008 when I was dead broke after I had fallen flat on my face running my own law firm. You see I went into business as a lawyer with the grand idea that I’d build a multimillion dollar law firm, my staff would be great, clients would all be a walk in the park, and I’d get to spend lots of days out on my boat in Miami…Though it is entirely possible to build a 7-figure law firm that allows the owner to be away from the firm as they please, it won’t happen without fundamentally understanding the business of running a law firm management.

Which is why in the time I owned my own small law firm, I made more phone calls to the Florida Bar’s Law Office Management Assistance Service than any other lawyer in the state of Florida had. Because I was burning myself into the ground trying to figure out how to own a law firm business, which I had never done before, but I wasn’t afraid to ask for help and I was determined to see my law firm succeedAnd when I turned my law firm around and had it running profitably, like a sustainable business should run, LOMAS recruited me to work under the legendary JR Phelps at the Florida Bar Association. So, I closed my law firm’s doors and I was tasked with helping thousands of small law firm owners in the state of Florida to build more successful law firms of their own. I spent three years traveling up and down from Tallahassee to Key West, helping attorneys with every and any law practice management issue you can imagine.

On the back of those three years spent with the Florida Bar, I started How To Manage A Small Law Firm which today serves as the outsourced CEO, COO, and/or CFO of over 300 law firms in the country. And in the first quarter of 2019, we plan to cap our C-Suite services at 400 members and NOT take any new engagements at least until 2020.

Which is why I am giving our current Members “first dibs” at who we accept new engagements from, and we’re giving them the opportunity to refer us the very best lawyers they know and trust and want to spend time “in the bubble” 2  with. Let’s be clear – the friend who referred you to this page is not getting a commission or financial incentive if you book a call or ever become a client of ours. What Your Friend WILL get, is additional resources to help them grow their law firm, which in fact is being delivered as an exclusive 6-day retreat with me and some of my team members and is currently not purchasable by any Member. Members can only be invited to this retreat… We are not accepting any form of payment for this retreat. So what’s in it for our Members if they attend this retreat? They will get the resources and empowerment to make quantum leaps in their own business by helping other lawyers discover our programs – Which is why you are on this page.

And what should you expect to gain from booking a call with my team?

How To Manage A Small Law Firm exists to help those ambitious and entrepreneurial small law firm owners, just like you, who have a passion for what they do and the clients they help, so that you can build a law firm that helps you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently.

I take your time very seriously and I respect the lawyer who referred you to this page immensely. So, you have my word that when you hang up the phone after your Discovery Call with me, you’ll have a better understanding of how the 7 Main Parts of Every Successful Law Firm work — including yours – and you’ll be more empowered to build a law firm that serves YOU by knowing what all of your options are.

By booking a Discovery Call with my team you’ll be able to:

  1. Think through the personal, professional, and financial goals you’d like to achieve as a law firm owner.
  2. Develop a roadmap to get there. (This is a 60-minute call so please keep in mind we are talking about a high-level roadmap, not a manual for how your law firm should run.)
  3. Explore your options to execute on your goals and follow your roadmap.

At the end of this Discovery Call, you may be invited to attend a half-day Discovery Day workshop to help you develop the strategies you will use as part of your roadmap to achieve your law firm’s goals. This is one of the options you have as the owner of your law firm — to seek a community like How To Manage A Small Law Firm that gives you the support and tools to build a more successful business. And, we’ll let you in on a secret… We aren’t the only company in the legal industry that helps solo lawyers build their law firms! That’s why we say we are one of your options, but of course, we understand that we cannot be the solution for everyone and not everyone will be a good fit to work with us either. But the goal of the call you and my team will have, and especially the goal of our Discovery Day, will be to explore your personal, professional, and financial goals and help you make a plan to achieve those goals – regardless of whether engaging our services is part of that plan or not.

If at the end of our call together we invite you to attend the next Discovery Day and you choose to accept our invitation, you will have the opportunity to meet our team, current Members, and find out for yourself if one of the strategies for you to grow a more profitable, efficient and successful law firm is working with How To Manage A Small Law Firm… All we will ask of your firm is a $1,000 fully refundable setup fee to attend the Discovery Day. That setup fee includes your ticket to the event plus a ticket for a partner/shareholderof your firm to attend with you.

During the 5 hours, we’ll spend together at the Discovery Day, you will discover actionable strategies to grow the law firm that you can implement in your firm on Monday morning to grow a more profitable3law firm. And at the end of the Discovery Day, you will be presented the opportunity to engage our services and let our team step in to help you build your law firm the way you set out to in the first place when you became an entrepreneur. If you choose not to engage our services at the end of the Discovery Day that’s ok too, and in fact, we often hear from solos that this half-day workshop is more valuable than any CLE they’ve ever attended, even if they don’t become a Member of our program… Plus, if you choose not to engage our services, we fully refund you the $1,000 setup fee you paid and up to $500 in documented travel expenses.

So, what do you have to lose besides an hour on the phone with my team for an opportunity Your Friend has already told you is working for their firm? I’ve helped thousands of lawyers build more profitable law firms and I want to help you do the same… You can also take that same hour and watch an episode of something on Netflix, but I won’t guarantee this phone appointment will still be available by the time the credits are rolling.



“When we first joined, I think the biggest myth was, ‘we’re different, we practice immigration law what they’re teaching us really doesn’t apply to us. Maybe for other types of law.’ That was the biggest one, and at the end of the day we found out that know what we’re learning is how to create a successful business.”

-Alfredo Lozano, The Lozano Law Firm, San Antonio, TX

“It’s really not about the money. It’s about building something that can give me more freedom. Once I built this firm that can run without me that’s going to allow me to spend more time with my kids. We try and provide them the things that they need no matter what… But it’s a whole lot easier to do that with a million dollar law firm. My goal for 2017 was to end the year at $350,000, and I ended the year at $500,000. As I stand here before you today my goal for 2018 is to gross a million dollars.”

-Holly Moore, Moore Family Law Group, Corona, CA

“That’s the ultimate goal: To have a successful business being good at what you do. You benefit from that but so do hundreds and thousands of other people that you get to help. There are defining moments in a person’s life. And one of those moments for me is when I chose to join How To Manage A Small Law Firm. It’s a wild fun ride. I love it. It’s been the best thing I ever could have done for my business.”

-Jeremy Hugus, The Platte River Law Firm, Casper, WY

“There’s been a lot of leadership growth for me and there’s been a lot of leadership growth for my team. There’s been financial growth as well. We broke the $200,000/month mark for the first time ever.”

-Sara Khaki, Atlanta Divorce Law Group & The Khaki Law Firm, Atlanta, GA

“It gives me goosebumps thinking about it. You laid out how to grow a million dollar a firm on paper… This was October 2014 and October of 2017 is exactly when we hit it. We’re just going to keep doing it and I don’t lose sleep anymore, my stress level has plummeted, I’ve finally become very relaxed and I feel great about where the firm is headed and comfortable that whatever happens, we can handle.”

-Brett Trembly, Trembly Law Firm, Miami, FL

“My firm had been just growing just growing by dribs and drabs, and I wanted to have more profit from my business so I could do more for my family. When I started I was $340,000 and now I’m at $665,000, which is close to double what I did two years ago. When I joined I thought having a $1,000,000 firm was completely ridiculous. ‘That’s not possible for me to have a $1,000,000 firm.’ And now my goal is to have a 1.2 million dollar firm.”

-Lisa Speaker, Speaker Law Firm, Lansing, MI

“It’s been one year so in this one year since joining the program my gross revenues grew 48%. The best thing I did was create systems so that I could offload the burden of everything that I was carrying on my own shoulders and develop a team. This program is brought out incredible richness within myself, and not only monetary riches but also inner riches. Part of that comes from the freedom of not having to carry everything all the time”

-Michael Cohen, Micahel H Cohen Law Group, Palo Alto, CA

1Outside CEO, COO and/or CFO: This concept confuses a lot of lawyers when they first hear about How To Manage A Small Law Firm, so I just want to be sure we’re clear on what it means to have an “outside” C-level executive. As you’ve probably figured out by now, paying anyone in your firm more than a 6-figure salary makes no sense until your firm has annual revenues of over $1 million, and even then you as the owner should be getting paid your 6-figure salary well before anyone else. So how do you bring a real grown-up to work in your firm, that understands the business of running a law firm, and has the emotional maturity to help make the tough decisions that must be made when you own a law firm? These type of professionals can cost your firm an annual salary of more than $120K depending on where you are geographically, and that’s before taxes and employee benefits. Having an outside CEO for your law firm gives you weekly access to a full-time professional trained by our team, and at our standards (you’ll find out about those pretty high standards at the Discovery Day), that helps you create a business plan and execute according to that plan as you build and grow your law firm. An outside COO does the same for your law firm on a weekly basis but focusing mostly on the operating policies and procedures that your firm needs to have developed in order for your staff to be as efficient as they can be. And if you’re guessing that your outsourced CFO focuses on key metrics, financial reports, and forward looking cashflow projections and budgets… You’re right. The only thing to understand is that your CFO will not be your bookkeeper. You will still need a bookkeeper to track the daily numbers, but your CFO will be working with your bookkeeper to make sure that they are producing the reports you need to make the right decisions for your firm, stay ahead of any cashflow issues (which happen no matter how much money you’re making), and overall to help you sleep better at night. 

2  “In the bubble”: As an entrepreneur and solo lawyer, you might find yourself not relating to a lot of the people you’ve met that have 9-5 jobs, enjoy the water cooler talk, and live to complain about their bosses… And you might even relate less to the other lawyers you meet at bar functions that are almost braggingabout how many hours they’re working and how little money they’re making. Our community of entrepreneurial lawyers is the opposite of the two scenarios described above. At most of our meetings you’ll find our Members celebrating 6-figure MONTHS, 4 week VACATIONS with no communication with their law office, and the Million Dollar Dream HOME someone just bought. No one is bragging at these meetings. They’re celebrating and sharing exactly what they did to achieve these amazing successes in their lives. Because if a left-handed lawyer whose favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry, and who lives in a town with only 1 stop-light built a multimillion-dollar law firm… why can’t everyone else? That’s what it’s like to be a member of our group. Our community is unlike any other in the legal industry and is set out to support an entrepreneurial growth mindset for small law firm owners.  And you’ll find that more than half of our Membership is made up of women, and at least a third of the membership represents a minority group. Oh, and most of our Members are under 50 years old too. In fact, our internal team also represents similar demographics. How To Manage A Small Law Firm is a meritocracy, driven by results and success… We’re far from the old boys’ club that represents a big part of the legal industry, and we’re proud of that.  

3  Partner/shareholder: Your partner in life might be more obvious (husband, wife, domestic partner, fiancé, spouse, etc.) but you might be wondering how a shareholder applies to you if you’re the only “owner” of your law firm. Well, what I mean by a shareholder is anyone who is invested in your firm not just by a financial stake but that is also impacted by the time you are giving your law firm. Your children, for example, are shareholders of your law firm because every time you have to miss a soccer game or dance recital because of something you had to do for the firm, is time owed to your kid. And hopefully, that time spent elsewhere is yielding you a high ROI, so that you can pay it back to your shareholder in future dividends. And no, I don’t mean paying back the time with money. But if you miss your son’s baseball game today when your son was in little league, so that you can be on the road with him when he’s playing travel baseball in 8-10 years… Then this is probably a high-value return on that time investment you made when he was little, and probably paying back a high ‘dividend’ to your future-older son as a shareholder of your law firm. Same goes for a spouse who is a shareholder of your firm… If you skip on the 5-day Caribbean vacation planned on a budget for this year’s anniversary so that in 3 years you take can take the 30-day first-class European vacation of your dreams… Then that yields a high ROI in the long run. However, if in 3, 5, 10 years you and your family is still sacrificing the same things that you are sacrificing today… How do you think they will feel as shareholders of your law firms?




: By following the steps that led you to this page on our website, you’ve actually distinguished yourself as being serious about your own success.  And if you actually schedule the appointment with my team, I will know you are serious about growing your law firm. Believe it or not, there are thousands of other lawyers who demonstrate that they’re not really very serious about their own success by their inaction.

  1. No-one is an island and I certainly didn’t build How To MANAGE a Small Law Firm into the nation’s leading provider of outside Managing Partner, COO and CFO services for solo & small law firms without a lot of help from a lot of great people.
  2. So you can say this is my way of giving back.
  3. You can say it’s because I LIKE being able to help more lawyers who are serious about being successful.

You could also say it’s because we know from experience that the more lawyers we help who are serious about their own success, the fuller our pipeline stays and the more options we have in our life and business to accept engagements only from “A Clients”. All three are equally true statements.


A: This is a perfectly valid question. And fear of asking it is probably one of most common reasons why other lawyers stay-stuck, even though there are plenty of great resources available to help them. What we’re going to do is invest about an hour on the phone with you and depending where you currently are in your business (just getting started; need some help to get unstuck; or already running a successful law firm and ready to take it to the next level) we will ask you about some of your 7 main business processes. Based on your answers we’ll be able to get a mental picture of how your business operates. Then we’re going to discuss where you want your business to be in terms of financial, personal and professional performance. A law firm that isn’t serving your needs on all 3 axes is doomed to either self-destruct or it must destroy you, eventually. Of course, none of us wants that to happen! So based on what you share during your interview, my team will be able to identify a few areas where you can likely make some simple improvements – there are ALWAYS a few areas where we can make simple improvements in a small law firm to make you an even happier lawyer! And obviously, if during our discovery call it appears you may be a good candidate for one of our coaching programs my team will certainly let you know in case you’d want to take advantage of that opportunity. But that’s the beauty of having efficient and effective marketing systems in place. We get to enjoy being selective about whom we choose to work with. So we don’t ever have to feel uncomfortable about having to “pitch” our programs. In other words, if it’s a good fit we should both know it and the next steps will be obvious after an hour of working together.


A:  Above all else, we look for lawyers who believe in themselves and their ability to affect their surroundings rather than being affected by those surroundings, like a house plant.
Starting, marketing & managing a highly successful solo/small law firm isn’t all about technical knowledge. Sure you must have certain technical knowledge they didn’t teach any of us back in law school either. But technical knowledge by itself doesn’t cause a successful law firm to happen. Growing a solo law firm to $250,000, $500,000 or even $1million and more isn’t all about marketing skills, either. Marketing skills certainly make the task much easier and more enjoyable. But being a natural rainmaker in and of itself doesn’t portend a successful law firm without there being more in the mix. What we look for is a lawyer who has a strong belief in him or herself. A lawyer who “gets it” that happy lawyers make more money; that technical management knowledge and marketing skills & systems when properly-harnessed tend to make us happy lawyers; and that being a happy lawyer is what ultimately attracts great clients and profits to the firm. Most importantly, we look for lawyers who agree with us that being a happy lawyer is a worthwhile objective in & of itself.


Every law firm is a business. And every business needs SOMEONE to function in the C-suite roles, especially that of a CEO which compares to the Managing Partner of any law firm. Just like every business needs to have electricity for the lights, phones for the team to communicate, etc. NOT having a CEO/Managing Partner simply isn’t an option if you want your law firm to function like a real business. So ask yourself these questions to decide if you want your law firm to function like a real business, or not:
  • Do you want to enjoy predictable and reliable cash flow you can count on or do you want to live case-to-case which forces you to accept the next lunatic who walks through your door with cash in hand just so you can pay the rent.
  • Do you want to be able to make smart, informed and pro-active decisions about which business development, staffing, equipment, office, etc. opportunities to pursue; or do you want to watch other lawyers (lawyers who can’t even shine your shoes in court!) step ahead of you in line and in life owing to their ability to make smart, informed and pro-active decisions because they have a written plan for their business and you don’t?
  • Do you want to be able to know what it’s like to take a “real” vacation with confidence that when you get back you will find your business has grown with more names in the conflict of interest database, more cash in the operating account and more services delivered out to current clients than when you left; or do you want your firm to slow-down, grind to a halt or even go off the rails completely the minute you step away?
jet boost your way to success


A: My team will call you at the agreed time on the agreed date. After you say your hellos, they will confirm that the time still works for you. I’ll assure you everything you’ll discuss will be kept confidential.  To make the most productive use of your time, an agenda will be proposed. And once you agree on the agenda, you’ll get started. There are no extraordinary steps you have to take to prepare for the call. I will send you some short and easy ‘homework’ to complete prior to your call, but above all just be in a quiet place where you can have a productive conversation, take some notes and be prepared to make decisions based on what you discover together. Once the appointment is set we’ll share some additional resources to help you to gain clarity even before the call begins!


Your Friend referred you to this page because they believe your law firm may benefit from learning about How To Manage A Small Law Firm (“HTM”), and on this page you’ll discover exactly how so many attorneys, just like you, are growing their law firms and fulfilling their personal, professional, and financial goals. Because you were referred to this page by one of our current Members, you’re going to get access to our VIP Priority appointment scheduler with our team – which is why this page is protected with a password.