Starting Your Own SUCCESSFUL Law Firm

If you are serious about starting a seriously-successful law firm, you have come to the right place!

But to be “successful” your law firm has to do more than just earn you a great living! Your law firm’s performance affects every other part of your life, doesn’t it?

>>> When it’s generating plenty of predictable positive cash flow you feel nourished and strong.

>>> When it’s operating reliably without you having to ‘be there’ all the time and without too many unexpected fire drills you feel supported and safe; and

>>> When the work you do for your clients and the clients themselves are important to you, you feel professionally satisfied.

So then, why can’t EVERY lawyer have this kind of relationship with his or her law firm? The answer is, you can. And it’s not even that hard to accomplish. In fact it’s all based on a set of proven fundamentals that lawyers have been using to start, market, manage and even profitably sell successful law firms for hundreds-of-years.

Sure, technology makes it all ‘easier’. But the fundamentals are proven. And until you’re on-track to earn MORE THAN $500,000 from your solo or small law firm (regardless of practice area) then the fundamentals are what you will benefit the most from working on when starting a law firm.

Since 1999 when I served as the only lawyer in history to work as a Law Practice Management Advisor for The Florida Bar’s world-famous Law Office Management Assistance Service (LOMAS) I have helped THOUSANDS of lawyers start, market & manage a successful law firm. That’s not bragging. It’s a fact. And as you look around this website you’ll see and hear from many, many, many dozens of lawyers who have been through one of my “How To START A Successful Law Firm” coaching programs.

So you know I’m for real. You know this program is for real. And you know it works. The only question now is whether or not you and I are going to be a good fit to work together or not.

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History Of This Program:

Back in first quarter 2009 I conducted a live 90 days online weekly workshop and we took 12 lucky lawyers step-by-step each week, through the whole process of how to start a successful law firm. At that time, with less than three-weeks-notice before the program was scheduled to launch, I received 87 applications. Needless to say there were 75 very disappointed lawyers who had to go-it-alone.

Starting a Successful Law Firm
Behind the Decision

The program was (is) all “no theory”. 100% proven & actionable information. With straight-talk and clear answers and samples and examples designed to take you step-by-step through my 12 proven steps for planning, starting & marketing a brand new law firm that cash flows in just 90 days or less. This is EXACTLY the program I wished someone offered me back when I lost sleep, money and self-confidence discovering just how much I didn’t know about starting my own law firm.

We recorded all of those “live” sessions I turned it into the MOST comprehensive, step-by-step, systematic, easy-to-follow process for starting a successful law firm that’s ever been created.

We’ve sold this program to lawyers all across the U.S. and in several other countries.

The job of a lawyer is different from the business of a law firm. One they teach us about in law school. The other they don’t.

Don’t waste years or even decades of your life learning these lessons the hard way if even at all. Not when you have the chance to create a solid foundation for your future-success with this program instead.

I recommend this program too for lawyers who have recently started a law firm within less than about the past 18 months.

That way you can be sure you have all the key systems in place for maximum profitability. Avoid missed statutes of limitations, enjoy benefits of best file management procedures, implement the key internal external policies to protect yourself from having your law firm eat you alive and rest easier at night with tight financial controls for increased profitability and predictability of your business.

And yes, of course, we’ll also be teaching you proven marketing strategies to start your law firm.

This program is EXACTLY what I wish someone had offered me when I was starting my own law firm. It would have saved me years of my life.

But RJon, I’d like to get answers to a BUNCH more questions before making a decision!

Well, you should get answers to all of your questions. And the best way to get your questions answered is to schedule a call.

If you have any questions, please schedule now.
Time is essential when starting a law firm. Don’t wait to get your answers!
It can cost you a lot more than time.

Click To Schedule

During this call you can ask any questions you have about this program. We’ll have some questions for you, too, because we have to make sure we follow our own advice about the importance of client selection.