Stage Five ICFO Landing Page


Firms that reach the $3Million mark (or get very close) but can’t stretch beyond that, are stifled due to poor management of their CFO.

If you’ve been hiring, managing, and then firing your CFO (and perhaps you’ve run through a few) on your own, there’s a good chance that you are not going to grow beyond your current level because you cannot sufficiently manage and leverage your CFO.

Mistakes at this level are expensive.  You know that by now.  When your CFO makes a mistake, or a mistake is made by you in the management of your CFO, you feel it in your wallet and your firm pays the price in the form of setbacks and real losses that trickle down to all of your staff.

Some of those mistakes can be a complete nightmare.  If you haven’t yet experienced one that bad, call yourself lucky and respond to the pit in your stomach that tells you how lucky you were.  Pay attention to that little voice telling you that it could be worse next time.  It could.

What if staff Members that you love (and have invested considerable time to train) quit because of those mistakes?  The affects can last for a long time and you’ll end up farther from your goals than you ever thought you’d be.

We’re taking on the critical responsibility of managing the CFO’s for our top clients and the results speak for themselves.  Those firms are well on their way to $5Million in annual revenue and its happening fast.

But you may wonder what that will look like for you.  You may wonder how exactly your firm will be affected when you are able to release yourself from this responsibility and put it into the hands of the most qualified professionals who do this specifically for law firms like yours.

That’s why we wrote the report “3 Ways A Professionally Managed CFO Will Dramatically Improve Your Results (And Your Life).”

We’re not guessing or hoping that we can have this kind of effect when we take on this important role for you, we know it to be true!

Click below to download this free report right now and then book your time with one of our team Members by following the link in the report.  It’s a time investment we know you’ll be happy you’ve made for yourself and for your firm.