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Stage 5: ICFO – Quiz

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But you’re probably noticing a few things:

  1. You still have problems they are just different kinds of problems than the ones you had at $250k
  2. You have more to lose now, so you’re hesitant to give up too much control to people you’re supposed to trust.
  3. Mistakes at this level are expensive as hell!

When your CFO makes a mistake, or a mistake is made by you in the management of your CFO, you feel it in your wallet and your firm pays the price.

Big time.

If you haven’t yet experienced a major flub, call yourself lucky and take action to avoid one. Because at this level, you are one major mistake away from a financial nightmare.

But here’s what happens.

At this level, you, the business owner, are managing multiple cases, a growing staff, marketing campaigns and you’re still trying to run, read and manage your financial controls and with all of that going on, mistakes could be happening right under your nose, right in the office next door.

And you won’t know until it’s too late.

If you’ve been hiring, managing, and then firing your CFO on your own, there’s a good chance that you are not going to grow beyond your current level because you cannot sufficiently manage and leverage your CFO while trying to juggle the other tasks that you’re multi-million dollar firm requires of you.

“We live in a society where the paradigm is scarcity. How To Manage (HTM) teaches you that there’s enough out there for all of us. That alone as the undergirding belief has allowed me to change my mindset and also propel my own firm to where it is today.”

-Christina McKinnon, McKinnon Legal, Miramar, FL