Stage 2: Upgrading – Quiz

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“But I already have a team.
And they’re making it worse!”

We hear this all the time.

You may have already hired one or a few staff members, but you’ve probably figured out fast that having them is a lot of work for you.  That’s because you don’t have a system for finding the right people, for inspiring their best work, or for optimally leveraging their time and talents.

Your team should be a relief to you, not a burden. And if you’re spending all of your time answering their questions, managing personality differences and putting out fires, you aren’t going to focus on profit-generating tasks.


“It’s really not about the money. It’s about building something that can give me more freedom. Once I built this firm that can run without me that’s going to allow me to spend more time with my kids. We try and provide them the things that they need no matter what… But it’s a whole lot easier to do that with a million dollar law firm.

My goal for 2017 was to end the year at $350,000, and I ended the year at $500,000. As I stand here before you today my goal for 2018 is to gross a million dollars.”

-Holly Moore, Moore Family Law Group, Corona, CA