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No Asshole Policy


We believe that when a law firm owner is trained on how to be an entrepreneur, to run a law firm as a business, and learns effective leadership skills, magic can happen.

Firm Policy #1: No Assholes

Yes, you read that right… we have a “Grading Scale” we use to define an “A”  client/ member. These are the sort of people we love to work with. The sort of people who inspire me and my team to go above & beyond on a regular basis.

We also have our idea of what’s an “F” client/member. These are the sort of people that the “A” clients/members don’t want to be around and neither do we!

There are two approaches to creating your own “Grading Scale”. One is to buildup from F to A.

The other is to define what’s an “A” and then as you remove certain positive qualities, characteristics and behaviors you likewise “demote” a person until their conduct lands them on suspension and then eventually out of business with you. We enforce this policy to protect you and me both!

So here’s what it means to be an “A” client/Member in my business (in no particular order):

★ We like working with the Member
★ The Member likes working with us.
★ The Member is highly-motivated to have a successful law firm & all the benefits that flow from it.
★ The Member has tangible and objectively quantifiable goals that excite him/her.
★ The Member respects my staff and appreciates them for the very challenging work that they do servicing and keeping hundreds of lawyers happy from all around the world.
★ The Member responds to the mistakes that we make in our business with the same grace and maturity the Member would expect his/her own clients to demonstrate when the Member’s own law firm makes a mistake.
★ The Member believes that the best investment s/he can make is an investment in him/herself.
★ The Member cooperates and supports our policies.
★ The Member is collaborative and intellectually generous with the Group.
★ Good sense of humor and not easily offended by liberal use of the “F” word  especially when it’s so richly called for in an explanation!
★ The Member thinks it’s cool that my dog often works from my office with me and that I often work from remote and sometimes exotic places, so there may be the occasional odd sound in the background.
★ The Member does the work required to translate the lessons, tools, insights, ideas, templates and instructions we provide into tangible results.
★ The Member is honest with us and him/herself.
★ The Member remains current on their financial obligations to us and otherwise  follows the rules we have established and which are designed to help all of our  Members get the best results possible.
★ The Member looks for lessons not problems. There’s always a lesson. Sometimes we make it obvious. Sometimes you get to find it for yourself.
★ Positive, prosperity-based outlook on life – no whiners or crybabies allowed!

(Who are also “A” Clients that our marketing attracts)


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“I have to tell you, my husband and I were the skeptical ones at the Orientation that kept asking for all the ‘statistics and data’ that would support the contention that you can grow from $0 to $250K in one year. Let’s just say that we very quickly outgrew the projection of $250K growth in one year… as unimaginable as that figure was to me back in October 2013. As a result, I am serving my clients better than I ever have before, I am a better friend and family member to the ones I choose to keep close to me in my life, I’m even a better mom, and a better wife.”

Sara Khaki Social Security Disability, Atlanta, GA

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Membership is so much more than a plan to grow your law firm. It is a chance to surround yourself with successful attorneys from all over the country. To immerse yourself in a group of like-minded entrepreneurs who believe that law firms should be run like a business, and have seen the benefits first hand. Our members empower, encourage and support each other online in our private forum, and in person at our live events four times a year.

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First, we determine what the revenue number is that you need to live the life you really want. Not the life you are settling for, the one where your kids can go to any school they want. The amount you need to buy your dream house, and how many cases per year you need to bring in to hire someone and take a vacation. Then we make a plan, for the real world.

A plan that is tied to performance, metrics and goals. Built with experienced Outside Managing Partners, COO’s and CFO’s with decades of experience working with thousands of law firms.

All you have to do is commit to the goal, and get to work. We are unapologetic in our drive to see you become wildly successful. To achieve your dreams, and finally see the fruits of your labor and law degree harvested in spades. So… let’s do this, TOGETHER.

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The first step to taking your business to the next level is to have an information call with a member of our team. During that call we can identify in which stage of growth your law firm currently is, and where you want it to be. We will answer all of your questions and figure out if we are good fit for each other or not.

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Wealth Planning Law Group

“How to Manage is just a whole other level. We learn the best practices from some of the best minds around in the country. Not only fellow lawyers but people that are really entrepreneurial in their spirit, they’re very giving. It’s just a great community.”

Todd Villarrubia

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Sarah Poriss Attorney At Law, LLC

“I joined How to Manage a Small Law Firm in the last 90 days and I saw within 8 weeks a 50 percent increase in my monthly income and I expect to sustain that and increase even more. Before I joined I was burning out.”

Sarah Poriss

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A member of our team will call you at the agreed time on the agreed date. After you say your hellos, we will confirm that the time still works for you. We’ll assure you everything you’ll discuss will be kept confidential.  To make the most productive use of your time, an agenda will be proposed. And once you agree on the agenda, you’ll get started.

There are no extraordinary steps you have to take to prepare for the call. Just be in a quiet place where you can have a productive conversation, take some notes and be prepared to make decisions based on what you discover together.

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