Marketing Blueprint Funnel – Opt-In – Ruby Newsletter


If you landed here, odds are you’re tired of doing it the hard way.
Do you want to get your hands on the single most profitable advantage in Law Firm Growth?

Then request your copy of the Law Firm Marketing Blueprint now.

YES! I want my Marketing Blueprint and Masterclass!

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set yourself up for predictable growth and freedom!

I understand that by requesting my free copy of the Law Firm Marketing Blueprint I can no longer hide behind the excuse that I don’t know what to do next and can no longer rest on the story that growing a law firm is too hard, because I will have in my hand the exact automated funnel template that has helped HUNDREDS of small law firm owners grow an average of 50% every year.

We are handing you our proprietary Marketing Plan that is based on the fundamentals of automated business growth that have helped our clients break the 7-figure barrier, free themselves from the trap of working too many hours for not enough money and change their families’ lives.

We have built this based on the same repeatable funnel we use in our own campaigns that to date, have played a major role in landing us on the INC. 5000 list five times.

Systemized, automated marketing WORKS.

The law firm owners whose pictures you see are not hired actors. They are people just like you who were tired of working nights and weekends, tired of wondering where the next dollar was going to come from and tired of winging it and hoping for the best.

Hope is not a strategy.

It’s time to get off the feast or famine roller coaster and set yourself up with a predictable marketing funnel that keeps your pipeline full of qualified leads.

Leave your email address and we’ll send you the Blueprint and the exclusive masterclass so you can steal this funnel template for yourself and start rapidly, consistently GROWING!

Automated marketing is your ticket to freedom. It’s not hard. You just have to put the right steps in the right order and we are showing you how to do it.

Get your FREE access now!


“When we first joined, I think the biggest myth was, ‘we’re different, we practice immigration law what they’re teaching us really doesn’t apply to us. Maybe for other types of law.’ That was the biggest one, and at the end of the day we found out that know what we’re learning is how to create a successful business.”

-Alfredo Lozano, The Lozano Law Firm, San Antonio, TX

“It’s really not about the money. It’s about building something that can give me more freedom. Once I built this firm that can run without me that’s going to allow me to spend more time with my kids. We try and provide them the things that they need no matter what… But it’s a whole lot easier to do that with a million dollar law firm.

My goal for 2017 was to end the year at $350,000, and I ended the year at $500,000. As I stand here before you today my goal for 2018 is to gross a million dollars.”

-Holly Moore, Moore Family Law Group, Corona, CA

“It gives me goosebumps thinking about it. You laid out how to grow a million dollar a firm on paper… This was October 2014 and October of 2017 is exactly when we hit it.

We’re just going to keep doing it and I don’t lose sleep anymore, my stress level has plummeted, I’ve finally become very relaxed and I feel great about where the firm is headed and comfortable that whatever happens, we can handle.” 

-Brett Trembly, Trembly Law Firm, Miami, FL

“Before I joined How To Manage, I had gotten pretty far in my life, you know at a very young age, but I had no clue how.

You’re not going to join this and hope that in 12 months you have a 7-figure firm. This is not a magic pill. You’re gonna work harder than you ever have before but you’re going to work harder on the smart things or the things that are going to drive you forward and move you forward and not just grinding and getting nowhere.” 

-Sara Khaki, Atlanta Divorce Law Group & The Khaki Law Firm, Atlanta, GA

“It’s been one year so in this one year since joining the program my gross revenues grew 48%. The best thing I did was create systems so that I could offload the burden of everything that I was carrying on my own shoulders and develop a team.

This program is brought out incredible richness within myself, and not only monetary riches but also inner riches. Part of that comes from the freedom of not having to carry everything all the time” 

-Michael Cohen, Micahel H Cohen Law Group, Palo Alto, CA

“My firm had been just growing just growing by dribs and drabs, and I wanted to have more profit from my business so I could do more for my family. When I started I was $340,000 and now I’m at $665,000, which is close to double what I did two years ago.

When I joined I thought having a $1,000,000 firm was completely ridiculous. ‘That’s not possible for me to have a $1,000,000 firm.’ And now my goal is to have a 1.2 million dollar firm.”

-Lisa Speaker, Speaker Law Firm, Lansing, MI

Watch the law firm marketing video training, and download the Law Firm Marketing Funnel Blueprint.

Hundreds of small law firm owners are using this simple marketing funnel to automate their lead generation and attract clients who CONVERT!

Law Firm Owners are working too many hours for not enough money because they are making these 4 crucial mistakes!

  1. They don’t offer value first
  2. They aren’t tuned into their ideal client and wasting money marketing to the wrong people
  3. They aren’t using a system that is automated and predictable and measurable
  4. They aren’t offering a call to action.

Follow the example in this marketing blueprint workbook and video and keep your pipeline filled with QUALIFIED leads.


Don't keep this a secret! If you have a friend or colleague who would benefit from this info, share their email address and we will invite them to join! Enter your friend's email here: