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Which Lawyer Coaching Program is right for your current situation?


I often tell my audiences that goal setting is over-rated. What’s been more important for the growth of most of the thousands of law firms I’ve helped these past ten years has been determining where those law firms were starting from. Only then could we develop realistic plans to predictably get them to where their owners wanted to be.

No matter where you are currently in your journey to build the best law firm you can for your clients, your family and not least of all, for YOURSELF, it’s ok. Where you are today is simply the outcome. It’s not the cause. As we help you begin to approach your business differently –that is, by implementing proven “best practices” to create different causes- you’ll find yourself enjoying predictably different outcomes too.


  • Where am I in my business today?
  • What is my mindset around my business?
  • What are my current challenges around my business?
  • What do I need most right now to get to the next level?


“I’m seriously in the weeds. I know I’m a great lawyer. I care about the work I do. Why can’t I get enough traction in my business to achieve stable cash flow!?!?”

  • You are living quarter-to-quarter in your practice & probably feeling pretty badly about it. Some of the lawyers around you may even have you believing that if you were just a good enough lawyer the magic elves would somehow reward you by professionally managing & effectively marketing your law firm for you.
  • You are literally losing sleep over your practice and your future.
  • You’ve clearly identified the "problem" as being a lack of information about how to manage &/or market a law firm.
  • Your favorite books are a rag-tag collection of law firm management/marketing books that are full of great ideas that just never seem to get implemented.
  • You struggle to gross $150,000 often accepting cases or clients you later wish you hadn’t.

“I have good clients & I make good money. But I feel I’m running out of time. I KNOW I have to learn how to manage and market my law firm more effectively if I’m ever going to find my freedom!”

  • You have an established law firm, but with a lot of unanswered questions about the future.
  • You’ve created a “job” for yourself with minimal leverage.
  • You sometimes wish you had objective counsel you could count-on for your most important management & marketing decisions;
  • It would be a big relief to have someone whose judgment & experience you trust to hold you accountable for all the things you already know you should be doing to work "on" -vs- "in" your business.
  • To Kill A Mockingbird is still your favorite book to read for inspiration.
  • You’re grossing between $200,000-350,000 per year but you’re doing too much of it yourself.

“I have a great practice. It’s been years since I’ve had to worry about making payroll. But I’m ready for more. I’m up for new challenges! What’s next!?!?”

  • You are on your way to making yourself redundant in your practice (Yeaaaa!)
  • You have reasonably reliable systems & procedures enabling you to think-ahead instead of always playing catch-up.
  • The idea of "Strategic Planning" is very appealing but that doesn’t mean you know how to do it.
  • You want to know what you’re really capable of as an entrepreneur but have very few people in your life who think the way you do about the business of your law firm to talk with; at least not many whose opinions & experience you can trust.
  • The E-Myth is your favorite book to read for inspiration.
  • You’re grossing at least $300,000 per year but that number could easily be into the seven figures too.


</p> <h1>Chris Small &#8211; Seattle</h1> </p> <p><a href="" alt="Veeple Interactive Video">Veeple Interactive Video</a>

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