Law Firm Policies and Procedures Checklist

Writing an operating manual for my law firm is fun!
Said no one, ever.
In all seriousness, we already know that you already know that creating a playbook for your business is a critical step in law firm growth. But let’s be honest… it’s painful. Which is why so-few lawyers ever get around to actually doing it. So there it languishes, along with all the opportunities that await you to enjoy all of the benefits that follow when you make your law firm run more like a real business with standard operating procedures, and less like a fire drill every week.
Great law firm owners recognize: Systems Run Businesses. People Manage Systems. And to manage the systems, those people need policies and procedures outlined for them in an easily digestible format.
The good news is, that the HTM team got tired of seeing so many law firms floundering about because the brilliant lawyers who own them never actually got around to thinking-through, analyzing, and writing up a practical set of Policies and Procedures with policy management solutions. So, we’ve created a cheat sheet for you.
Download this list of the 24 Critical Policies and Procedures your law firm needs to start to scale effectively, and begin to systematize your practice today, for better profitability tomorrow.