This kid might be braver than you…

How to Manage a Small Law Firm's Kids Club

If these kids can build profitable businesses, so can you


If your firm’s profit doesn’t bring this smile to your face, then let’s talk.

If these kids can build profitable businesses, so can you.

“It’s quite normal within this program to grow by a hundred percent or sixty percent year on year. So just seeing other members do that it became very clear to me that it was totally possible.”

-Jennifer Gore Cuthbert, Atlanta Personal Injury Law Group – Gore, LLC, Atlanta, GA

“You do a lot of learning about mindset and about understanding yourself and about what is holding you back personally. So professionally, financially, and personally I’ve grown as a human being and that allows me to add more value to my clients and that allows me to basically be better for them. If I’m better for them then I’m helping lives.”

-Ronald Pollack, Pollack Steinberg, LLP., Philadelphia, PA

“Before I joined How To Manage, I had gotten pretty far in my life, you know at a very young age, but I had no clue how.

You’re not going to join this and hope that in 12 months you have a 7-figure firm. This is not a magic pill. You’re gonna work harder than you ever have before but you’re going to work harder on the smart things or the things that are going to drive you forward and move you forward and not just grinding and getting nowhere.” 

-Sara Khaki, Atlanta Divorce Law Group & The Khaki Law Firm, Atlanta, GA

You need a strategy for the number of hours you really want to work.
You need a strategy for how much money you really want to make.
You need a support system to help you implement the initiatives that take your goals and set them on autopilot so that YOU can be FREE to go on vacation with your family.

THAT’S the mark of a good business.

We know that when you, as a law firm owner, are trained to be an entrepreneur and learn how to run a law firm as a systematized, profitable businessmagic happens.

Our goal is to give you the tools you need to execute your dreams.

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