Are you ready? APPLY NOW


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Sample Follow Up Call Script
Hello this is attorney name/ name from attorney name’s office you came in for a visit a few week/months ago do you have a few minutes right now to speak or would you prefer to schedule a telephone or an in-off is appointment?
Well, I’m calling because I care.  When you came to see us you told me (repeat back from your notes what they said in terms of how the legal problem is affecting them personally in terms of their time, their money & their reputation).  I know it was bothering you a lot because you came to see me and no one comes to see an attorney about xyz until it’s reached a point where it’s really bothering them a lot.  Were you able to solve this problem or are you still concerned about (repeat their words back to them)?
Then listen & repeat the proper sales call process where are you now, where do you want to be, what could happen if you get some help to make it go away, what’s likely going to happen if you don’t?  What have you tried already before that didn’t work (here you want to help them see that doing nothing only let it get worse so it’s time to act).
Are you ready to begin the process to start making this better? 
 (Yes, I’ll hire you) – great let’s get you set up for an appointment.
(no I’ve changed my mind & I’ll just live with it) – ok just curious, why?
(no, still need to think more about it) – ok I’m just curious, it’s been X weeks since you’ve been thinking about it.  What have you been thinking about?  Who have you spoken to?  What conclusions have you reached?  (This is likely someone who just needs to vent & once they get it out of their system they’ll be ready to make a decision).
At the end you either want a decision made that:
A.) don’t call me back I’ve found other counsel or I’ve decided not to pursue it;
B.) let’s speak again on date/time;
C.) an appointment is set to engage the form or engagement made on the phone and paperwork sent by echo sign or similar methods with cc taken and charged by phone or send email invoice to pay electronically (most good merchant service providers offer that feature) 
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