EPN Podcast Interview

Listen as Entrepreneur Podcast Network’s (EPN) Eric Dye interviews RJon Robins on the success that he achieved with How To MANAGE A Small Law Firm.

Learn the answers to the following questions:

  • The name of your firm is “How to Manage a Small Law Firm.  Should everyone who isn’t a lawyer tune out right now?
  • Would you mind explaining what happened, why were you broke back in 2007?  When you say broke what exactly does that mean?
  • Where is the business today?  Do you mind sharing some actual numbers?  (What about net)
  • How did you do it?
  • We have plenty of entrepreneurs and business owners listening to this story who I’m sure some of them have been working on their business for a lot longer than you but maybe they haven’t had the same success yet, do you have any advice?

You’re probably asking yourself “IS THIS REAL” and “how can I get the same results?” The answer to both questions is YES and not only can you grow your business with similar results, but your lifestyle will change as well. No longer do you have to choose between spending quality time with your family or working 16 hour days, just to keep your law firm profitable.

Don’t take our word for it, Click the link below to hear from actual members that have grown their business within 6 -18 months after joining HTM. Hear real testimonies on doubling your business and improving your personal life.

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