Dragon Ad written interview


Instructions: You may take as much or as little time as you like to complete this written interview. You may organize your answers in any way that makes the most sense to you. When you are finished with the written interview, please send an email to XXXXXX with your answers. Please be sure to write your first name spelled backwards in the subject line so we know you’re really paying attention. You might be surprised to know that every time we do this almost half of the applicants still ignore these instructions. Hopefully you won’t.

For purposes of the questions below please visit our website to familiarize yourself with the range of services we offer and demonstrate to us by your answers that you have enough imagination and real-world experience to show empathy to our prospective new clients.  You have permission to use some “artistic license” in your answers, especially if you are going to be making reference to tools or resources you would ask us to produce or provide if you were to be hired for this position.

Question 1:

Please describe the type of person who would probably be an ideal client for this firm.

Question 2:

Please describe the type of person who would probably NOT be an ideal client for this firm.

Question 3:

What is the most money you have ever earned in a single year?

  1. Doing what type of work?
  2. When?
  3. Describe the correlation you believe existed between the value you produced and the income you earned?
  4. Why aren’t you in that position anymore?

Question 4:

Understanding that you are not applying for the position of an intake person or an appointment scheduler, but also understanding that the way the intake person or scheduler handles the prospective new client has a big impact on your ability to do your job, please tell us:

  1. Three things you want the intake person/scheduler to find out about the prospect and share with you ahead-of-time, to set you up for success?
  2. Three things you want the intake person/scheduler to get across to the prospect about you and/or the firm to set you up for success?
  3. Three “red flags” you want the intake person/scheduler to be on the lookout for that should stop them from scheduling them for an appointment with you

Question 5:

What are ten things you can reasonably imagine are probably going on in a prospective client’s life, business and/or career that causes them to contact our firm for help in the first place?

Question 6:

What do you imagine are the five most common objections our prospective new clients give us for not making a decision to engage our firm’s services even after it has become painfully obvious that without our help their situation is likely to deteriorate?

Question 7:

For each objection you listed above, please provide a response or otherwise tell us how you would handle the prospective client’s concerns?

Question 8:

Create a sample engaging law firm calling script you will use to follow-up with prospective new clients who you meet with but who leave the office “to think about it”.

Question 9:

How many times do you think is reasonable to follow up with a prospective new client who comes into the office with a problem and leaves the office with the same problem and they say they “want to think about it” instead of engaging our firm to help them get started on a solution right away?


Question 10:

You have had two great weeks and have already completed the number of sales needed to pay your bills and live the way you want for the current month. How do you proceed for the following 2 weeks & why

Question 11:

You had a consult with Susy two months ago. She said she needed more information before she could make a decision and left without making a decision. You have been trying to get Susy back on the phone for two months. She said she was very interested in solving her problem(s) but has “gone to ground” on you since, with no explanation. Today you call and Susy’s assistant tells you something horrible has happened to Susy’s cat so she’s taking a short leave of absence. How does this new information affect your plans & what will you do next?

Question 12:

  1.  You suck.
  2. Your law firm looks like it sucks.
  3. You’re stupid to think your law firm doesn’t suck and you suck because you’re suggesting I should trust your law firm to help me because obviously, your law firm sucks.
  4. Please respond.

Question 13:

It’s Monday morning. Everyone on the team is out of the office on vacation for the day except for you. What does your day look like?

Question 14:

You represent the law firm at a networking group that meets every Wednesday morning at 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. to share and make referrals. Susy from the question above  has left you a voicemail that says she has almost made a decision and would love to talk with you; her only availability for the next 2 weeks is Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. How do you proceed?

Question 15:

What song is your personal Anthem that you choose to play to get yourself pumped up before a big sale?

Question 16:

What are three things you have taken it upon yourself to educate yourself about in the past 12 months?  Why, and please share one interesting thing you’ve learned about each subject.

Question 17:

Why do you suppose we’re asking all of these questions?

Question 18:

What is your favorite tool for keeping track of leads?

Question 19:

How would it change your life for the better or worse if you were to get this job and earn the kind of money we’re saying that a Super Star should be able to earn in this position?

OPTIONAL BONUS Question 20: Include a short video of yourself explaining what we missed about you.