Don’t Have A Referral?

Here’s How It Works

Don’t worry. We aren’t going to ask you to marry us on the first date.

Several dozen of our Members volunteer each quarter to “pay it forward” and have a conversation with you about what it’s really like to work with How To Manage – the good, the bad & the ugly. Based on that conversation, you’ll get a referral to have a formal consultation with someone from our New Member Engagement group.

Depending on how that conversation goes, if our team believes we can help you achieve your goals they’ll recommend the next best step for you.

For some, that means you’ll be invited to one of over 40 practical, highly-interactive, and FUN workshops we host throughout the year.

Or we might recommend you begin by participating in our very popular “Small Law Firm Business Plan Bootcamp” which meets in a small group setting four weeks in a row once-a-quarter and then attends a live “wrap up & discovery day” where you can meet hundreds of our Members who will be attending other workshops at the same time.

Others will be invited to a special meeting we host a few times per year just for 8 Figure law firm owners. Note: this is a very special group of entrepreneurially-mature law firm owners – NOT a meeting of the “Too Cool For School” crowd of egomaniacs! Because let’s face it a $30 million dollar firm is still considered a “small” business by the general business world. By the way, How To Manage grossed just over $30 million dollars in 2022 and we definitely know we still have a lot to learn – wouldn’t it be sad if we didn’t?

No matter where you’re at with your law firm business, our team is dedicated to serving you in taking your law firm to the next stage of success.

To be introduced to one of our members, please fill out the form below.