I understand that life is a “do it yourself” project and so it is up to me to use my own good judgement and seek independent legal, tax, and/or financial counsel as I go about my business of implementing anything I learn in connection with this or any other program I participate in with How to MANAGE a Small Law Firm, LLC (“HTM”).

I understand that HTM makes no representations, promises, assurances, or warranties, as to the results I may achieve by implementing any advice, information, tools, or techniques I learn while participating in this or any other learning experience provided by them.


Our Bootcamp requires a seat deposit of $997. Upon arrival at the live implementation session (session 5), we will automatically issue a refund of the $997 in the form of a paper check. 

It’s important that you take a moment to think about that. Many companies don’t even have enough faith in their programs to offer a 100% money-back guarantee. We are so confident that this program will change your firm and your life that we are not only offering it for FREE, but we guarantee a full refund or the seat deposit. All you need to do to qualify is attend the live implementation session during week 5 of the Bootcamp.  

There is no way we would assume that kind of risk if we didn’t have PROOF that this worked. If you aren’t satisfied that we’ve delivered on the promises we’ve made, please speak to one of our representatives during the live implementation session (week 5).


I understand that all – or part – of my workshop may be audio, video, and photographically recorded. I expressly grant HTM and assign the right to use photographs, video, and/or audio impressions of me recorded during my participation in the workshop or program.

EXCEPT I expressly reserve the right to prohibit recording of me when it is my turn to be on “the hot seat” and if I do not want to be recorded I will explicitly ask for the recording to be stopped.

I grant HTM the right to use the photographs and my voice, picture, silhouette and other reproductions of physical likeness and class-related work in connection with any part of the program/event in any professional endeavor in which same may be used including educational programs offered for sale or as premiums, advertising and promotions for this Program or other similar programs. I agree that HTM shall own jointly and severally all rights, title and interest including copyright in and to the complete set of original recordings with worldwide rights.


Yes, you read that right… We have a “No Assholes” policy where we outline our definition of an “A” (ideal) client/member that we want to work with, as well as an “F” (asshole) client/member who are the sort of people that our clients/members don’t want to be around and neither do we! We enforce this policy to protect us both.

You can find our full No Assholes policy (as well as some of the other unconventional ways we operate) in our Statement of Values.


I promise to keep confidential and not speak, blog, tweet, or otherwise disclose the details I learn in this group about the lives, businesses, hopes, dreams, fears, financial performance, goals, or any other personal, professional or financial information of my fellow participants.

I understand that doing so may result in my not being invited back, termination of any program I may be enrolled in without refund and the general scorn and disdain of my fellow participants who are each depending on my discretion, as I am theirs’.


I agree that HTM may terminate my membership, account, registration for events/workshops, and access any HTM program/service with or without prior notice without limitation, including if I become disruptive to my fellow Members, (in HTM’s sole judgment), if the occurrence of an event makes HTM’s efforts to help me counter-productive (in HTM’s sole judgment) and/or any failure to pay fees as they become due or any unauthorized use of HTM’s programs or services.

Termination of my account includes:
i) Removal of access to all Programs; and
ii) Deletion of my login data, password, and all related information.

Further, I agree that all terminations shall be made in HTM’s sole discretion, and that HTM will not be liable to me or any third-party for any termination of my account or access to Programs. If HTM elects to terminate my program, service or workshop for cause, HTM may also elect, in its sole discretion, not to refund any prepaid fees or other amounts to me.