Are you ready? APPLY NOW
This Business Plan Bootcamp is designed for small law firm owners and comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee
Things aren’t going to suddenly get easier. You must decide to do something different. In just 5 weeks, an exclusive group of Small Law Firm Owners is going to take control. They will learn everything they need to know to reach their full potential and highest level of freedom.
Simply pay your fully-refundable $997 seat deposit, show up, and do the work.
We ask for a seat deposit as a sign of your commitment as each group is limited in size to ensure participants have a chance for personalized attention and laser coaching throughout the program. After attending the full program your deposit will be FULLY REFUNDED.
Fully refundable $997 seat deposit
Setting Goals and Developing Your Magic Statement
Part of achieving those high revenue goals is being able to define and communicate your “magic statement.” Your magic statement is how you describe your unique value to your prospects so that you are positioned as the obvious and best solution.
Week one will provide the EXACT words you need to use in your marketing and networking to close the deal!
Financial Model
and Metrics
You can’t manage what you don’t measure. You’ll learn the six key reports successful law firm owners run and review every single month to keep their income on an upward trajectory.
Mindset and Sales
The most critical aspects of any successful law firm are sales and marketing. If you’re not converting prospective clients into paying clients, you’re going to go out of business.
You’re going to learn the powerful mindset shift that can massively increase your revenue AND how to automate your lead generation process by implementing a marketing funnel that feeds your pipeline qualified leads … even while you sleep.
7 Factors to Grow Your Firm FAST!
There are seven main parts of every profitable law firm. Once you understand how to balance and maximize each part, you’re set up for predictable, consistent growth! You’ll get one-on-one help from our advisors to create your individual business plan, focusing on each of these seven parts!
* Each weekly session is accompanied by a workbook. You’ll use this to take notes and complete homework assignment for the week.
LIVE, IN-PERSON Wrap Up Session in Anaheim, CA
The final session is LIVE & IN-PERSON. Here you will tie together everything you’ve learned so far.
At the live event, you’ll receive a more thorough deep-dive into each of the seven main parts of a law firm, an exclusive opportunity to access the Members-Only Live Quarterly Meeting, and time to network and meet other entrepreneurial attorneys who could become some of your best referral sources.
Fully-refundable $997 seat deposit
Every Wednesday from 3 – 6 PM EDT
Final Session January 19th
LIVE in Anaheim, CA
We ask for a seat deposit as a sign of your commitment as each group
is limited in size to ensure participants have a chance for personalized
attention and laser coaching throughout the program.
The HTM Listen Up App is packed with hundreds of hours of tools, trainings, and proven growth strategies to help you hit your highest revenue goals and fast-track your path to freedom!
You’re an awesome lawyer. But no one taught you how to market, how to hire, or how to improve your sales conversions. That’s not your fault, but it is your business!
Right now, from your smartphone, you can learn everything you need to know to get to the next level.
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