

Who Each Built Their Own Multi-Million-Dollar
Professional Services Business?

FOR TWO DAYS ONLY you have the opportunity to ask your MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS about how to start, market, manage and GROW your solo or small law firm and get almost-live answers from two people who know A LOT about some of the most successful solo & small law firms in the country “from the inside”.

  • Would you ask about how to improve the marketing of your law firm?
  • Would you ask a question about how to make it easier & more profitable to convert prospective new clients into happy new paying clients…even while you’re away from the office on vacation?
  • Would you ask about when, why and how to hire and lead a team of super-stars who make your business profitable and who you actually look forward to working with?
  • Would you ask about how to be sure your firm is actually profitable and what are the key numbers you should become familiar with if you want to break the 7 figure barrier, and keep-on going?
  • Or would you ask about the mindset of the multi—million-dollar, rags-to-riches entrepreneur so you can check your own mindset too and be sure you’re thinking about the right things, in the right way at the right time at each stage of growth in YOUR business?

Mike Carroll

Most people know Mike Carroll as the owner of Insuring Lawyer which is one of the top ten largest legal malpractice insurance agencies in the Country with several thousand solo & small law firms nationwide, as clients (DO THE MATH). But they don’t stop and think about three important things:

  1. How did Mike grow his business into the multi-million-dollar agency it is today, and how does Mike maintain industry dominance?You could learn A LOT about how to grow your own firm by asking Mike some questions about how he grew his!
  2. What insights does Mike have as a “side effect” of working with some of THE fastest growing solo & small law firm owners in the country?
    Mike has seen “the inside” of some of the fastest growing law firms in the country, and he’s seen some of the biggest implosions too.

    He knows the “real numbers” and there are some red flags and trends he’s learned to look out for that could help YOU too.

  3. MINDSET, Mindset, mindset. Success is first and foremost an “inner game” and Mike has some keen insights both from his own career in highly competitive sports and also the even more competitive sport of business.

RJon Robins

RJon Robins is the founder & CEO of How To MANAGE a Small Law Firm, the largest and also the fastest growing firm in the country for fractional managing partner services exclusively for solo & small law firms. How To MANAGE a Small Law Firm currently operates as the Managing Partner for more than 275 solo & small law firms nationwide in a wide-range of different practice areas, for some of the fastest growing solo & small law firms in the Country.

Combined, the law firms that RJon’s firm manages are projected to enjoy gross revenues of more than ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS and show-up prominently on the Law Firm 500 list of fastest growing law firms in the Country. Wouldn’t you like to know what RJon knows about:

  1. The most common mistake most lawyers make that actually STOPS their firms from growing?
  2. Tips for making YOUR law firm more bottom-line-profitable?
  3. How to solve the most frustrating, fearful, exciting, overwhelming, scariest, most highly motivating problem or opportunity YOU are facing in YOUR law firm, TODAY? Because chances are, he’s seen & solved it, a hundred times before.


RJon & Mike are traveling to Binghamton New York on Monday for a 3 hour “top secret” meeting on Tuesday afternoon. Then they’re each flying back to their respective offices. We cannot tell you what the meeting in Binghamton is about. That information will become clear-enough in due time, just know it’s something pretty big that can benefit your firm and you, personally. BUT THAT’S NOT THE POINT OF THIS OPPORTUNITY.

The fact of the matter is there are very few flights in or out of Binghamton. So RJon & Mike will have a bunch of time together on Monday afternoon & Tuesday evening. And whenever these two get-together the thing they love to talk about the most is how to help the Members of How To MANAGE a Small Law Firm and Mike’s insureds build a better law firm.


Simply fill-in the form below with your most important question about how to grow your law firm. Please note that unless you specifically give them permission to use your name on camera when they read your question, they won’t.

It can be a question about marketing, about sales, about building a superstar staff, about how to be sure you’re making your law firm into a bullet proof business that won’t fall apart the minute you step-away or ask about how to make your law firm more profitable. JUST DON’T ASK THESE TWO ABOUT TECHNOLOGY! Because they’re “old school” and rely on old school, proven, tried & true methods for marketing, selling, managing and making a professional services firm into a super-growth, highly-profitable, FUN and reliable business that can serve the needs of the owner. Instead of the owner being a slave to the law firm.

During their “down time” before & after this Top-Secret meeting, they’ll pick questions that come-in, answer your questions on-camera, and we’ll begin posting the videos as they arrive and get edited.