RJon Robins

How To “Buy” An Extra $50,000 of Profit For Your Small Law Firm.

A Little Background:  As you know I have a real “issue” with some of the bait & switch teleseminars & webinars that we get invited to as lawyers on a regular basis.  And as you can probably imagine I'm not the type to suffer in silence. 

So Ale gets to hear more than her fair share of my bitching & complaining about this problem. Because there's a legitimate business reason to offer free advice.  It's called “education based marketing” and it's very effective for lawyers to use for marketing our law firms. 

But what's not right is to lure someone to a teleseminar or to a video or to anything on the promise of a free sample of information and then just spend the whole time pitching them on hiring you.  Not good for the prospective client, not good for you and not good for the rest of us who sincerely do deliver good value as free sample to our prospective clients!

Anyway, so I will now dismount my soap box and share this substantive 10 minute video that Ale shot while we were driving back from a visit to my friend & mentor JR Phelps, Founding Director of The Florida Bar's Law Office Management Assistance Service.  As you will see, she used this chance to extract a sort of “mini seminar” out of me about how to “buy” an extra $50,000 of profit for your small law firm. (and by the way, don't worry if you're a solo with no staff yet.  That's sort of the point.)

Breaking news about today’s high-level law firm wesbsite marketing seminar

Great news everyone! 
We're going to broadcast today's seminar on UStream so no matter
where you are
, if you have an internet connection you can watch
& learn what the biggest & the best law firms will be doing to profit from their websites
And how they'll be using social media to improve
client service
when the next generation of websites & social
media platforms hit the market later this year.  

This is
going to be an amazing opportunity
for a small law firm to have
access to a world-leading expert, CEO of WebOptimiser whose clients
include Ford of Europe, the Marriott Corp. etc.  This is our chance as
owners of small law firms to get-ahead of the
curve instead of playing catch-up

What day:  Today
(April 23, 2010)

When: 12-3pm est

“tune in” at 
(Just copy & paste that address to your browser, no special
software or anything required)

Cost: Consider this one of
the benefits of being my friend!

Why & How did this
amazing opportunity come about & why such short notice?  Here's the
back story:  http://www.howtomanageasmalllawfirm.com./DavidWhite.html


We Have A Location: How our law firm’s website affects law practice profits, client-service-issues & repeat business

OK, so just in case you’re just tuning-in here’s where we’re at with this very much impromptu once-in-a-lifetime FREE seminar that will teach you:

  • How to turn your law firm’s website and social media “expense” into a source of profit for your law firm; and
  • How to turn the average lame law firm website into a valuable resource your clients will actually appreciate ; and
  • How to turn your website and social media strategy for a law firm into an important contributing factor in providing better client service, which of course makes our lives easier and triggers more frequent repeat and more profitable referral business.

Back Story: David White, CEO of www.WebOptimiser.com is marooned in Miami due to volcanic ash disrupting air travel back to his home base in London.  WebOptimiser.com, in case you didn’t know is a very big deal in Europe with clients the likes of Marriott & Ford and Virgin Money for which WebOptimiser generates as many as 24 new applications PER MINUTE.

–> Normally a solo or small law firm couldn’t even get an appointment with David.  But as a personal favor to me (and as condition of going boating this weekend) he’s agreed to share some very high-level information with us about why and how to make a law firm’s website really demonstrate a return on your investment. 

We’re going to limit this to a nice small intimate group because David’s not here to do a big event, in fact he and I will both be dressed in our “Friday We’re Going Boating After This Casual” to the extreme.  He wasn’t planning to do this sort of training during his layover in town from Costa Rica to London so he doesn’t even have a suit with him!  Point-being what we’re lacking in formalities and any sort of reasonable advance notice we’re going to make up for with massively valuable advice that quite literally could change the whole way you market your law firm & manage your client service.

We finally decided on a location just 20 minutes ago.  We booked a conference room at the Hampton Inn Hotel in Coconut Grove off 27th Avenue just east of US1.  The address is 2800 SW 28th Terrace, Miami, FL 33133  (305) 448-2800.

If you haven’t done so already please do the courteous thing and r.s.v.p. by clicking HERE.

Social Media Marketing, Making A Law Firm’s Website R.O.I. & The Profit In Being Authentic

Wow, is it Wednesday already?  My legal social media come to life adventure just keeps going.  And it’s picking-up speed!  Here’s what happened in case you’ve missed it so far.  Because if you happen to be anywhere close to Miami you definitely are not going to want to miss out on this LITERALLY once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to grow your law firm OK, here goes… Monday I received an email from WebsiteOptimiser.com CEO David White that he’s “Marooned in Miami”. 

Long story short David was flying back from Costa Rica where he attended a very hush, hush underground meeting of some WordPress “Power Users” and the programmers who are designing the next generation of blogs & website technology.  It’s what we’re all going to be using next year.  Anyway, while he’s making his connection through Miami to London the volcano in Iceland spews so much ash all over Europe that all flights are canceled, hence the “marooned in Miami” email to thousands, and thousands of David’s subscribers including ME. 

So I write to him to say I’m in Miami and would be happy to take him to lunch or dinner and talk shop.  Now admittedly this was somewhat of a self-serving offer.  I mean if the one of the Justices of your State’s Supreme Court  was stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire would you stop to help because it’s the right thing to do or would you help because holy crap, what an amazing opportunity to meet and talk with one of the Justices of your State’s Supreme Court!   (Why can’t it be both?) 

Long story short, we go for lunch, which turned into about a 4 hour lunch that probably would have cost me $10,0000 if I hired him to talk about all the things we ended up discussing.  And then when he saw how enthusiastic I am about helping small law firms with marketing & management related issues like measuring legal marketing ROI, and since it was clear he was going to be stuck here for several more days & I know where all the best restaurants are in town we decided what the hell, let’s do an impromptu seminar this Friday to teach any local attorneys who want to join us all about how to make a law firm website that actually returns on your investment.  And not incidentally, gets your clients excited about using your website as a resource too!

Here’s a link to a video from our lunch on Monday.  Email me for details about Friday’s seminar.  We’re expecting it to be in Coconut Grove April 23rd from about 12-3sh.  And it will be totally free.

Update on Friday’s FREE lawyer website marketing & optimization seminar in Miami

Update:  We have an r.s.v.p. page set up for Friday’s very much impromptu live seminar for lawyers here in South Florida!

Because too often as owners of small law firms we don’t have access to the kind of high-level experts that the biggest of the big law firms do, when it comes to optimizing websites.     So as a fellow solo I am excited to let you know about this unique – literally, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – for you to get a big competitive-advantage for your small law firm.  Let me explain…

Until 2001 I was a Law Practice Management Advisor with LOMAS until about 2001.  Today I’m buddies with the President of WebOptimiser which if you’re not aware, is one of the leading companies especially in Europe for membership websites, website optimization, pay per click and using autoresponder programs to deliver customer & client service.  Their clients are usually very large companies and their fees would normally be way-beyond the means of a small or even many medium-size law firms.

Well, as luck would have it, the volcanic ash in Europe has David “marooned in Miami” trying to fly back from a web conference in South America to his home base in London.  And since he’s here with nothing to do but hang out with me and talk law firm marketing & law firm management we thought it would be fun to organize an impromptu seminar for local attorneys; all about how to make a website that actually generates a big ROI and which clients will really value

The seminar will be THIS FRIDAY April 23rd from 12:00-3:00 pm somewhere in or around Coconut Grove, in Miami because if the weather cooperates we’re going boating afterward.

The cost to attend will be ZERO. 

The seating will be LIMITED. 

The time to act is NOW. 

You must r.s.v.p. at: http://www.HowToMANAGEaSmallLawFirm.com

http://www.HowToMANAGEaSmallLawFirm.com/DavidWhite.html (cap sensitive)


There wasn’t time to apply before and CLE credits may or may not be approved.  But seriously, if you get the chance to ask “The” David White some questions about how to improve your law firm’s website and use of social media, a few CLE credits should be The LAST Thing On Your Mind!

The Case For Social Media Marketing For Busy Lawyers

Should anyone actually bother marketing your law firm on Twitter
or Facebook? Here’s (more) proof that when done correctly, law practice
marketing can directly benefit from social media by developing successful social media strategies.

You just can’t
expect it to happen the same way you’d expect a yellow pages ad to work.
Each are different media and therefore demand a different law firm
marketing strategy to get best results. Effective social media marketing for law firms means you wouldn’t go to a legal cle
program for example and present your law practice in exactly the same
way as if making a presentation to an industry group for your clients,
would you? Social media isn’t so much about “getting clients” as
creating the relationships that can help you get clients.
See the

Watch this 3:07
mins video with my new friend David White of
who I met in person & enjoyed a great day of law firm marketing and
law practice management masterminding, all because of Twitter.

Get your Free Report “How To Grow Revenues Of Your Small Law Firm 25-35% This Year”