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Malpractice Insurance Product Comp. Workshop

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[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10’ heading=’Warning: These 5 Marketing Mistakes Will Destroy Your Law Firm And By The Time You Realize This It Will Be Too Late…’ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=’#b02b2c’ size=’36’ subheading_active=” subheading_size=’18’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” margin=”][/av_heading]

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Register for this exclusive 2-day workshop on June 8 & 9

with RJon Robins & Michael Carroll to learn how to

Market and Convert A-Clients & turn away the WRONG clients


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Hopefully, you haven’t personally dealt with the unnerving experience of a bar grievance or malpractice suit but you probably do know another lawyer who has. Or you know someone who knows someone with a horrible story.

The scary part is it wouldn’t take much for that story to be about you. “That’s impossible,” you’re saying to yourself… “I’m a great lawyer and I am incredibly responsible in how I practice law.” 

There’s no doubt that you probably are a great lawyer, who works meticulously, and genuinely cares about your clients… But the thing is that malpractice issues don’t just happen to the ‘bad’ lawyers who are irresponsible and unethical.

Legal malpractice problems generally stem from law firm management issues – particularly in issues related to your firm’s Marketing.

Most malpractice accusations come from F-Clients that should have never retained your law firm in the first place. Your firm’s Marketing assets should never be attracting these clients, and it should, in fact, be speaking to them saying “This is not for you.”

But how do you do this, especially when you need X number of clients in order to keep the lights on?!?!

That’s exactly what we’ll be covering in this 2-Day Intensive Direct Response Marketing workshop with RJon Robins & Mike Carroll, which you are being invited to attend on our compliments.

All we ask for you to reserve your seat is a 100% refundable seat deposit of $197, to make sure you’re serious about attending the workshop. We’ll be capping the event at 20 lawyers in order to be able to provide as much value as we can, answering everyone’s questions and providing individual attention to needs of each lawyer at the workshop – nearly half of these seats have been claimed already.

Click the button below, pay your deposit & show up on June 8!


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When you arrive at the workshop, 100% of your seat deposit will be refunded to you. If you don’t show up it will be donated to charity.


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When you attend the workshop, you’ll discover exactly how to get your law firm’s marketing to do both jobs of ATTRACTING the right clients & REPELLING the wrong ones.

We’ll be sharing some of the most effective marketing strategies your law firm should be doing, including:

  • Direct Mail advertising that has a positive ROI
  • Online Marketing that will actually monetize your leads
  • Effective Landing pages that convert and don’t cost much money or time to make.
  • Copy that makes your prospects want to buy 
  • A Glide path that converts before your sales appointment
  • How your referral system can become your #1 lead source without costing you any more money

… PLUS the personal lessons RJon and Mike will bring to this workshop from their own businesses and the “Hard-Knocks School of Life” that they have both attended on the road to building their own multi-million dollar business.



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About your hosts:

RJon & Mike both have a passion for helping solo and small law firm owners (like you) grow their businesses. 

How To Manage A Small Law Firm, founded by RJon Robins, assists lawyers with the BUSINESS of running a law firm… That’s everything from hiring, operational procedures, marketing, financial controls, etc.

Insuring Lawyer, founded by Michael Carroll also helps lawyers with one of the most important parts of their law firm’s business, by providing them with the best insurance products on the market to protect their firms.

Together, HTM & Insuring Lawyer have put together a one-of-a-kind insurance malpractice product ONLY for Members of How To Manage A Small Law Firm. One of the benefits of being under this policy is a COMPLIMENTARY workshop with RJon and Mike all about Marketing.

(Scroll to the bottom of the Q&A section on this page to discover some of the benefits of Insuring Lawyer’s exclusive malpractice policy, that are unmatched industry-wide.) 

Why are RJon & Mike hosting a free workshop? Well, it’s well-known that one of the biggest reasons lawyers like you get sued by clients – and sometimes even by prospects who didn’t hire their firm – is because of the types of marketing practices their firm is conducting.

Because remember… Your firm’s marketing should actually be doing 2 jobs.

  1. Attracting & converting A-Clients that your firm can help efficiently and profitably.

  2. Turning the WRONG clients off, and helping them understand your firm is not for them.

… And those clients that your marketing failed to turn off are the ones who were either F-clients or just not for your firm to help. Those are the people that are most likely to sue you for malpractice.

Click the button below, pay your 100% REFUNDABLE seat deposit, and show up on JUNE 8 to discover how BETTER Marketing can help you PREVENT a malpractice suit.


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Q. What is this business about a seat deposit to register? 

A. The seat deposit you see on the registration form is simply to let us know you’re serious about attending this workshop. We only have space for about 20 lawyers to attend this workshop, and we’d hate to turn someone away because we were saving a seat for someone who didn’t show up. When you arrive at the workshop, we will process 100% of your refund.

Q. When and where is this workshop? 

A. The event will be taking place on JUNE 8 & 9 in Columbus, OH, from 9 am – 5 pm each day. Please plan to arrive the day before, to be sure you don’t miss any part of the workshop. 

Q. Why should I attend this workshop? 

A. This workshop will be 2 days of pure marketing lessons with 2 entrepreneurs (RJon Robins & Michael Carroll) who have both built multi-million dollar businesses. If you’d like to learn the same the strategies that RJon & Mike have used to build their businesses and continue to use to keep them growing… You should attend. PLUS, at any and all of these workshops, we’ll be making sure that the marketing lessons taught will benefit your firm and help prevent your firm from malpractice issues.

Q. What’s so great about this Insuring Lawyer/HTM Member Malpractice Insurance Policy?

A.  The How To Manage A Small Law Firm Insurance Risk Management Program through Wholesale Insurance Pros includes the following massive benefits for you that are unmatched industry wide.  That is the difference between “bland basic more exclusions than inclusions” policies you most likely have rather than best protection so that you don’t suffer financial pain or complete ruin in an uncovered claim!

  • First Dollar Defense included which means that your deductible only applies if you are found to be negligent when a claim is made by your insurer on behalf of your firm. Your deductible does NOT apply to defense costs which is a massive win for you because defense costs are the first costs that your law firm incurs in a claim and with meritless claims, usually law firms incur only defense costs
  • CEOL (Claim Expenses Outside Liability Limits) offered at best pricing which means that there is a separate limit for defense costs and other claim expenses equal to your Per Claim Limit of Liability, subject to a maximum of $1,000,000. As a result, primary limits will not be eroded because of defense costs and other claim expenses
  • EPLI Defense included (sexual harassment, unfair termination, discrimination) $10k Per Claim/$10k Per Policy Period
  • License Protection included at $50k Per Claim/$50,000 Per Policy Period. This provides reimbursement of up to $50,000
  • Aggregate Deductible included which means if you were named in a class action suit that you’d only pay your policy deductible once
  • Network and Information Security Breach Coverage included for breach event expenses directly resulting from a privacy or security breach. As well as coverage for cyber investigation expenses directly resulting from a regulatory investigation regarding a Privacy Breach or Security Breach
  • Disciplinary Proceedings included at $30,000 Per Policy Period
  • Loss of earnings/Loss of income included at $500 Per Day/$20,000 Per Insured/$50,000 Per Policy Period. Recover your billable hours with this offering
  • Subpoena Assistance $25k Per Claim/$50k Per Policy Period included. This provides reimbursement up to the policy limit, for all reasonable lawyer’s fees and other costs and fees related to subpoena response
  • Pre-Claim Assistance $25k Per Claim/$50k Per Policy Period included
  • Hanover AIX allows reporting of potential claims without penalty included
  • Hanover AIX includes a “soft hammer clause” which allows you a “consent to settle” option.  This provision provides that the insurer is responsible for a greater percentage of the litigation and/or judgment costs even if you reject a settlement recommendation.  A soft hammer clause will ensure that the insurer, not you the insured, is responsible for most of the litigations costs, even after you refuse a settlement option
  • Free ERP for retirement from Hanover AIX included.
  • Hanover AIX covers Of Counsel’s whether listed on the app or not


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