[Get Involved In The Discussion On This Page & Catch Up On The Video Lessons]
30 Days Away With Emergency Access Only…
You’re on this page because you’re subscribed to my email list and you’ve been following a conversation we’ve been having that began when I shared a lesson about what to do if you want to set up your firm so that you can be away from the office for 30 consecutive days with “Emergency Access Only”. Because there’s a BIG difference between building a successful law practice that you work for to make a living – vs.- building a sustainable law firm that works for you and affords you a life!
If you haven’t been following along, that’s ok. All the video lessons I’ve been sharing are below so you can catch-up.
And if you want to get involved in the discussion below, I suggest you do so NOW otherwise, you could miss out on an opportunity and some BONUSES to learn from the most successful lawyers while they’re attending workshops with me and my team in Miami.